At this time, I have been ignoring Guqing by Zhao Xuanyin!

Zhao Xuanyin seems that Gu Qing is imprisoned by his earth power. He has great ability and can’t toss out any tricks. He can spend 90% of his energy to deal with the magic weapon, which is more difficult than the rain!
But what he doesn’t know is that Guqing is no longer comparable to that when dealing with the river looking at the water. A repair is not only a breakthrough in Shinto, but also a practice in Shinto four realms. He broke Zhao Xuanyin’s imprisonment in an instant and then directly slapped his body to protect himself!
"Force? How is it possible that you have a four-reconstruction Shinto … How can the devil-refining clan lie to us? Ah … "
Zhao Xuan Yin Jing roar a whole body vigorous gas was stimulated to the limit, and a protective artifact was also activated!
But he was a little late after all!
As soon as the defense force of the artifact is activated, the Cindy Yang fire will burn the sky and dazzle the sky, and the horrible flame has exploded, which is not inferior to the horrible flame in the center of the star. Every corner of his body has been burned in an instant, and he has been completely reduced to ashes!
The third volume The stars gather together to fight the two hundred and fifty back to the news
As soon as the hot flame closes, the temperature gradually returns to normal!
Zhao Xuanyin, the elder of Blackwater Star Sect, who was just arrogant, has completely disappeared from this world at the moment.
After all this, there is a trace of thinking in Guqing’s brow!
Zhao Xuanyin’s soul-refining magic Sect lied to them before he died. This lie is estimated to mean that his real strength has reached the quadruple of Shinto, but in fact, his four-rebuilding Shinto was recently promoted, let alone the soul-refining magic Sect. Even monitoring the whole Juexiu Immortal realm to be a sword Sect did not know that the real situation should be the alliance between the soul-refining magic Sect and the Blackwater Star Sect.
Besides, when Zhao Xuanyin died, he said "we" instead of "I". It can be seen that he was not the only one who came to take revenge on Jiang Wangshui in the Juexiu Immortal World …
I don’t know what the superior strength of Heishui Star Zonglai is, especially the six peaks of Shinto. If so, he can’t be the opponent now.
Just beside GuQing thoughtfully this question, suddenly there came a cold sound.
"You have been promoted to Shinto quadruple?"
I don’t want to know who this remark is!
Guqing nodded his head, and there is nothing to hide about it. He has just shown his four strengths of Shinto.
It’s raining and evil is silent!
Seeing her look like this, Gu Qing can’t help but think of the scene just now. "I’m a little surprised. When you saw me just now, you shouldn’t know that I have the quadruple strength of Shinto. At that time, you didn’t lead the blackwater star to my side to let him deal with me, but you wanted to lead him …"
"Hum, don’t think too much. I don’t want us to fight. Before you, someone else will die!"
Gu Qing can’t give a light smile, which is a reason for agreeing with her.
After a moment’s silence, the evil rain suddenly asked, "My phoenix bracelet is your hand!"
After all, I talked about this problem!
Gu Qing paused and nodded slightly. "Good Phoenix tears my hand!"
"Give it back to me!"
"Don’t give it back!"
The devil’s color is slightly cold in the rain. "You are born in a famous family at any rate, and your younger brother actually robbed me of something as a maid. Aren’t you afraid of others’ jokes if you say it?"
"Hehe, isn’t it true that the name of the Great Que Immortal Society is shocking to all parties, and the evil spirits will still be afraid of other people’s gossip?"
"I have my principles and I won’t bully like you!"
"Your maid attacked me first, so why did I leave this phoenix bracelet from her hand to make up for it?" Speaking of this, with a wave of his hand, Gu Qing said, "The phoenix bracelet with tears of blood has been owned by me. You don’t need to say that we are unfriendly. How many times have you tried to kill me, so I took your things and returned them to you? Look at the fact that you didn’t take the initiative to lead Zhao Xuanyin to me today. I won’t take advantage of people’s danger to arrest you. Don’t blame me for retreating! "
"You …"
It’s raining, evil spirits are cold, and the breath of the body is faint!
However, after seeing with her own eyes Zhao Xuan, a quadruple master of ancient Qing’s killing Shinto, she also knew that her realistic strength could not be an opponent of ancient Qing unless she was promoted to Shinto quadruple!
"Phoenix tears of blood bracelet is extremely high in quality, but it has been damaged. Even if you repair it to the level of artifact, the value is still better than that of an artifact. Don’t you have a gate to get the imperial sword avatar to exert its maximum power because the sword quality is not good? I can exchange a sword with you for a phoenix bracelet! "
GuQing shook his head!
"Don’t change"
"Three artifacts!"
Guqing continues to shake his head!
"I said you don’t have to think again if you don’t change!"
"You …" Rain evil indifferent face for the first time there was a trace of anger. "Do you really want to return the phoenix bracelet to me?"
"The blood-shedding bracelet of the Phoenix is very big to me, but I am surprised that an artifact is willing to pay the price of an artifact?"
It’s raining and evil is silent!
When Gu Qing saw it, he directly took out a piece of rule fragments without asking questions. "Even if I bought a piece of rule fragments from you, it’s not worth an artifact, but it’s still worth it!"
"If you lose the artifact, you will lose your external things, but the phoenix blood bracelet is my property. Will you and I sell it?"
Guqing chuckled "forget it" and turned out to be going to turn away.
"Changed your mind?"
"Not bad!"
Gu Qing took a look at the evil rain with some surprise. The woman didn’t change too fast, but his horse was about to leave the star. Maybe after that, the two of them didn’t bother to think about the details. It’s also a matter of peace of mind to hand over this law. She took a law and handed it to the past. "Well, this matter is clear." Then she will go to the devil’s department again.
He just here a shinto quadruple master confrontation must have caused refined soul devil master notice eye or as soon as possible to refine the soul devil will solve things in big sleep province.
"Gu Qing, are you going to refine the soul devil to fulfill what you promised to Mo Wen that year?"