In the morning, the Sui Jun camp in Weishui is foggy, as if it were in a fairyland. When you look at the tower, you can see a fog a mile away, but you can’t see it clearly.

Hou Jun, the big account of Zhongjun, took the Qinbing and handed it to Jinpa, muttering "What the hell is the weather!" He washed his face with cold water, and then he felt refreshed. He wiped his face clean and walked out of the tent, squinting and looking around. The soldiers were burying pots and cooking, and the whole camp was busy.
In this era, most people ate two meals, but Yang You made a change after visiting the military camp. The Sui army ate three meals to ensure that the soldiers’ nutrition kept up with the camp. After a tour of the camp, Hou Jun asked, "What’s the news on the other side?"
The soldier replied, "There is no movement on the other side of Jiangjun Road at present!"
Hou Jun thoughtfully is the temple estimation error? He paced and thought, "Send more scouts to investigate!"
The soldier went to Hou Jun’s camp and turned around several times. Only then did he answer that Zhongjun’s big tent, the pro-soldier, served food and a big bowl of hot cream. Hou Jun took it up and took a sip, "Cool!"
He enlarged the bowl and wiped it with a splash of juice. His mouth stretched out like a cattail leaf fan and grabbed the Hu cake and rolled it into a ball. He shoved it into his mouth and bit more than half of it and disappeared.
Hou Jun’s jaws kept opening and closing, but in a moment, seven Hu cakes were wiped out by him. He laughed, patted his round belly and raised his big bowl. "Another bowl!"
QinBing busy Hou Jun casein Hou Jun full drink two this just enlarge the bowl stood out of the camp.
At this time, the surrounding water vapor gradually dissipated and the line of sight gradually became clear. Although the sky was still gloomy, it did not hinder the soldiers from packing pots and pans for training. This is a habit they have formed.
Hou Jun nodded with satisfaction when a soldier rushed to tell something in a low voice.
"What?" Hou Jun was shocked when he heard this. He grabbed the scouts and said, "You mean someone is spying on the camp?"
The scouts were caught by Hou Jun and had difficulty breathing. His arms were thrown off several times. "Yes, yes, general!" "
Hou Jun’s face sank to his big hand like a pine cattail leaf fan. He bowed his head and thought for a moment and asked, "How many people are there?"
The scouts replied, "General, there are about seven scouts!"
Hou Jun snorted and took two steps. "Come with me!"
Hou Jun returned to the tent soldier. He wore armor. Several Qinbing inspected the equipment, such as spears, horizontal knives, a bow and a pot of arrows. Everything was the standard equipment of the Sui army. After the inspection, Hou Jun dressed up and ran to the west with more than a dozen Qinbing.
Wuliwai Li Shimin Daying
After a night’s hard work, the 10,000-strong army finally crossed the Weihe River through the night. There was no big problem on the way. Several soldiers with bad eyes fell into the Weihe River and froze to death. They needed to recuperate in Tang Jun.
After crossing the river, Li Shimin quickly ignited the soldiers and built a simple camp to guard against the impact of Sui Jun.
Tang Jun built the camp in the middle of the night, but Sui Jun didn’t send scouts to explore it, and because of the terrain, the patrol soldiers of Sui Jun camp didn’t find it. There was Tang Jun activity in the east just a few miles away, and Tang Jun camp was built in the early morning.
The soldiers were so tired that Li Shimin also felt a little tired, but Li Shimin, the first army coach, couldn’t shout that he was tired. He hurriedly ate a few cold Hu cakes and took a sip of cold river water to explore the situation of the Sui army.
This is Li Shimin’s customary history. Li Shimin often personally led troops to explore the situation of the two armies. Hedong would have almost died if he hadn’t been awakened by a mouse. If Luoyang hadn’t been for Wei Chijingde’s desperate rescue, he would have almost died. Dan Xiongxin’s hand was in distress several times, but it still couldn’t change his character. Later, he rode into the Turkic camp alone.
This habit has its advantage, that is, he can clearly grasp the enemy’s situation and make the most favorable judgment. After all, the news that scouts come back is that language expression may be omitted or unclear in the process of delivery, which will affect Li Shimin’s thinking.
At the same favorable time, there are also various shortcomings, that is, the history is very dangerous. Li Shimin was in distress several times. Apart from his exquisite archery, he was extremely lucky, otherwise he would have died in the battlefield, but Li Shimin was still not happy to explore each other often.
At this time, he walked slowly along the path. Several Qinbing were alert and listened to the surrounding situation. Gradually, they were one mile away from Sui Jun Camp. The closer they got to Sui Jun Camp, the soldiers became more and more nervous. At this time, he didn’t notice Sui Jun’s anshao and the anshao had handed the news to Hou Jun.
Li Shimin saw that there was a hill ahead, which was the highest place in this area, and there were many Woods that were very suitable for peeping. He whispered that the soldiers walked towards the hill.
With the deepening of the forest, the horses are getting denser and denser, and some of them are not suitable for this kind of environment. Li Shimin was about to get a horse when he felt a little ominous. He looked up and saw a group of Sui troops standing in front of him, looking at it coldly.
When Hou Jun saw Li Shimin, he found that this man was different at the first sight because he was wearing a light armor and a silver helmet. Most scouts were leather armor, which could improve their mobility. This man was obviously not an ordinary scout. At this time, he also showed the calm in Li Shimin’s eyes.
This calm makes Hou Jun’s heart more convinced that this man must be a very high-ranking person, even if he is not Tang Jun coach
Hou Jun sneered at this. He suddenly drew a horizontal knife "Kill!"
Sui Jun heard him order his hand to hold the spear and gallop away.
In the distance, Li Shimin smiled coldly. He calmly pulled out an arrow feather, bowed his bow and took an arrow. "Boom!" An arrow feather blaster came out of Li Shimin’s bow and horse, and his archery was excellent. This arrow went to a Sui soldier and fell whined.
Hou Jun was taken aback. I didn’t expect this person’s archery to be so good! And it takes two hard bows to reach this distance, so Hou Jun was surprised that Li Shimin shot another Sui Jun with an arrow.
The distance between the two sides has been more than 100 steps. After this charge, it has been less than 30 steps. Li Shimin sneered again. His confidence in killing two people was greatly improved. He pulled out two arrows and took aim at Hou Jun.
"Boom!" As soon as two arrows rang like meteors, they shot at Hou Jun. When Li Shimin shot the first Sui Jun, Hou Jun had a fear of Li Shimin. When he saw that Li Shimin could shoot two arrows at the same time, he dared not neglect his eyes and stared at him closely.
Li Shimin posture surprised that two arrows had different speeds, and there was a foot distance between them. One after another, they came towards Hou Jun. Hou Jun was about to raise a knife and split. Suddenly, the arrow feather behind him rushed to the throat of Hou Jun!
Hou Jun was surprised. He quickly pulled back an arrow feather of an iron bridge, leaving a shallow groove across his nose. Blood suddenly flowed out. Hou Jun had not got up yet, and another arrow feather flew to the end of his helmet and made a crunchy sound.
Hou Junli flew into a rage. This arrow almost killed him. How can he stand this cowardly spirit?
He drank his legs and a horse’s belly and went to Li Shimin to kill Li Shimin. He sighed and clenched his fist. It was almost just a little bit! If we can kill this Sui general, maybe we can take Yongfengcang!
Li Shimin knew that it was too close to Sui Jun Camp, and Sui Jun might fight when he shouted "Go!"
Hou Junna was willing to let him go with QinBing chasing after the two armies in the Woods. For a moment, the birds in the Woods started up. Li Shimin fled and shot at the same time. At this time, the uneven ground greatly affected the accuracy. He shot seven arrows and knocked down one person.
But Hou Jun was particularly angry. His archery was not weak, and he immediately drew out his arrow feathers. It was just a few arrows. Two Tang Jun were shot in the back and cried.
The two armies chased all the way, and several people fell. Hou Jun had five people around him, and one person around Li Shimin had a lot of arrows and feathers, and the arrows and feathers of both sides had been exhausted.
At this time, there were two turnouts in front of Li Shimin, and the Tang Jun escaped into the left Hou Jun frowned. He knew that this road was to Weinan, while the other road was to Weishui, and there was a crossroads in front of the two roads.
Hou Jun sneered, "You three go that way!" Then he pranced towards the left, straightened his arrow pot, and there were two arrows in it. He thoughtfully took back the bowstring for a moment and took the spear in his hand.
The steed path runs fast, and Li Shimin rushes forward desperately.
Ran out of the 50 or 60 paces ahead, and you can vaguely see the flag flying in the distance in Tang Jun Camp. Li Shimin was so happy that he rode his horse and whipped. At this moment, three knights suddenly appeared in front, and they rushed to the front with spears in their hands.
Li Shimin was taken aback. How could these people be here? The galloping speed of the war horse is extremely fast. The three men lined up in a row, and they were not brave enough to attack Li Shimin. They didn’t think much. He hurriedly hid the belly of the war horse and escaped the spear attack. However, for a moment, the war horse screamed and fell down. Li Shimin quickly jumped into his hands and clenched the horizontal knife and gasped.
The remaining Tang Jun came and jumped into the horse and said, "General Horse!"
Li Shimin hesitated. At this moment, the three Sui troops turned the horse’s head and killed the man Tang Jun again. He drank a horizontal knife and was not afraid of death, but it was a round for his flesh and blood to stop the impact of the horse. His body was torn into pieces by Sui Jun and scattered.
However, because he was not afraid of death, the speed of the war horse slowed down. When he came to Li Shimin for it, Li Shimin rolled over the horse with tears in his eyes. "Drive!"
Chapter 15 Two Two Lengs ()
The cold wind roared, and Li Shimin was already sweating on his forehead. He clung to his horse and tried to reduce the wind resistance to make it run faster.
Hou Jun saw that someone gave his life to save his life, and his heart was more sure that this person’s identity was not low. Although this place is not far from Tang Jun Camp, he gritted his teeth and shouted that he was the first to rush out. The screams of horses resounded through the forest.
Li Shimin’s back touched his heart and sighed, and an arrow feather had done his best to rely on it. The original arrow feather had been finished unconsciously in the fierce battle. At this moment, Hou Jun sneered and took out the bowstring and pinched only two arrow feathers in his hand.
Hou Jun doesn’t have Li Shimin’s magical skills to shoot two arrows with different speeds at a time, but he is confident that he can shoot one arrow with accuracy and strength, and he is definitely not worse than Li Shimin.
He followed closely behind Li Shimin and steadied himself with only two thick thighs. One arrow bit his teeth, and the other arrow had set a bowstring. His eyes moved with Li Shimin’s ups and downs. Suddenly, he let go of the arrow feather and roared with the wind and stabbed Li Shimin behind him.
Although Li Shimin escaped, he still looked back at Yu Guangzhong from time to time. He saw the arrow feather lashing and sneering. When the arrow feather was about to shoot, he leaned back and escaped. As the arrow feather roared and flew over half a foot, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the arrow shaft.
The arrow feather is very fast. Li Shimin felt that he pulled forward and got up. Only then did the arrow feather firmly grasp his palm skin and blood flowed out. This arrow is really powerful.
But Hou Jun was even more surprised that he shot at least two stone forces with this arrow. Li Shimin was able to catch it? ! Hou Jun gritted his teeth and took another arrow feather. At this moment, Li Shimin also sneered at a secret bow and arrow and looked back at Hou Jun from time to time.
The two of them calculated their own abacus in tandem. At this time, the horses crossed a forest and the front became more lang, and the soil became soft on both sides of the Weihe River.