"tu! Chug! Chug chug! " The German machine gun position on the ruins finally caught fire after the Soviet army invested a lot of troops. The machine gunner had already pointed the gun at the Soviet machine gun group over there. He was quietly waiting for his chance to join the battle. Now that the opportunity came, he did not hesitate to pull his finger and press the trigger.

The unique German machine gun roared like a saw, and the tracer bullets exposed the position of the machine gun, which also solved the problem of shooting deviation correction for the machine gunner. After a few rounds of bullets, the German machine gun hit the Soviet machine gun team and hit a piece of white dust and smoke around them
It was a bullet that went through the human body and hit the surrounding road surface. generate came out with gravel and other things, accompanied by blood splashing and Soviet screams, which formed a very gorgeous picture. In the picture, Soviet soldiers went belly-up, Mars everywhere and distorted faces.
With the familiar and fearful tearing of linen, German machine guns pressed the Soviet positions, and Soviet soldiers were hit everywhere, and the bodies were overturned everywhere. The Soviet machine gun team was smashed into a sieve in an instant, and even the machine guns were bounced out of several potholes.
Soviet infantry on one side of the street, which had been suppressed by German fire, saw a hidden ruin opposite them, and the German machine gun position suddenly caught fire. They watched in horror as tracer bullets flew to cover their machine gun position and turned it into a bloody hell.
These Soviet soldiers already know that they have failed in this attack. For them, the problem now becomes to retreat as safe as possible, and no one knows whether they can be lucky enough to return to the starting corner.
Generally speaking, there are wolves in front and tigers and leopards in the back, so people need to respond intuitively. Because of this situation, they often have no time to analyze and plan carefully, and they can rely on temporary instantaneous reaction. The Soviet army has also made their choice at this moment. These people immediately turned their direction and ran away towards the starting place
For these Soviet troops, their fate is no longer in their own hands. They need to rely on their own luck and pity from their enemies and their own people.
The Germans will have no pity. They shot wildly at the defeated Soviet infantry, as if venting that they had just been suppressed to suffocation and pain. They hit these retreating Soviet backs and knocked these people down like wheat.
Quite unfortunately, it is obvious that today, the Soviet Union did not show mercy to their companions. Instead of covering the retreating soldiers, the Germans kept slaughtering their companions-many Soviet political workers suggested that the retreating soldiers should be shot, but this proposal was finally rejected by rokossovsky, but he prevented the soldiers from being executed in disguise, for example, they did not cover the retreating troops like today.
This led to the high loss on the edge of the Soviet city on the second day of Stalingrad street fighting. There was a relatively wide shooting environment here, and the German firepower could be brought into full play, so the Soviet casualties were terrible, and almost 10 thousand people were killed in one day.
On the one hand, the Soviet Union blocked the retreat, on the other hand, it was also because the Soviet Union insisted on fighting back, and the Germans repeatedly fought for positions in Stalingrad, which was so big in total. If we simply retreated to this city, the area would not last for half a year.
For one reason or another, the Soviet army got three divisions and reserves, and after entering Stalingrad, it launched a crazy counterattack against the Germans. Although most of the counterattacks were repelled by the Germans, some Soviet troops did repel the attacking Germans and once pushed the battlefield to the suburbs of Stalingrad.
On this day, the Germans lost control of two blocks and almost lost part of the city to the Soviets. After paying a total of more than 50 thousand people, they found that their control positions were almost the same as two days ago.
Senior German generals who experienced World War I looked at the data in front of them, and the damn place name Verdun came to mind, where more than 70,000 people were killed in German and French positions, but no one was able to move forward, and that battle was called Verdun meat grinder by historians because of such heavy casualties.
Now they seem to have seen the scene again, that is, the whole German army did not want to recall the pain. Now this kind of thing is showing signs again. For the first time since the war, the Germans have killed more than 10 thousand people but failed to move forward.
However, even though the losses were so huge, the Germans still didn’t change their attack plan a month ago. On the last day of March, the Germans counterattacked the Soviet army and exhibited the battle against Stalingrad. So the number of casualties was boring and continued.
Chapter 71 72 Stay in battle
Arcado sat quietly listening to Marshal Brauchich of the Army General Staff’s report on the number of casualties of the N regiment and the replenishment of the frontline troops.
More than 10,000 soldiers were killed or injured, but the troops did not advance more than one kilometer. This is the first time that such a huge loss appeared in front of the German army generals, which reminds people of the deep trenches in Verdun and the Somme River, and the marginal barbed wire is as traumatic as a cold iron plate.
"My head of state, we expect Stalingrad to lose more than 20,000 people, but at present, this figure may be far from enough, and there may be more than 30,000 casualties, even 40,000. In this case, we are unwilling to accept whether you would consider an alternative plan of the General Staff to order the N regiment to stop attacking?" Brauchy closed the information in his hand and asked arcado, narrowing her eyes slightly and listening to him read the file.
Clever people don’t let themselves trip over the same stone twice. What’s worse, they have always been brilliant and boasted about the German Army General Staff. They all hate the memory of failure and devote their hearts to things that are slightly problematic. These stubborn and rigorous Germans summarize and summarize the data, study and deduce repeatedly, and are afraid of another unplanned trouble.
For the German General Staff, Verdun and the Somme River are two areas with relatively large shadow areas in their hearts. With arcado going from victory to victory all the way, they finally became more sentimental. Now the loss of thousands of German troops is surprising, and everyone seems to be suffering more and more from the loss.
"I marshal! How can you fight without dying? This is still the time for you to persuade me to talk to me. "arcado opened his eyes and said to Blauchich." You are afraid of losing 10,000 people all the way to Stalingrad? "
Marshal Blauchich gave a wry smile to an imperial marshal. Of course, he won’t be so rude because of the loss of 10 thousand people, but if he thinks about what will happen next, that’s why he is so entangled.
So he took a step forward and got closer to arcado and said, "My Fuehrer, I’m afraid that this kind of casualties will continue …"
"You’re right, the casualties will continue this time," arcado interrupted, and then he continued with a pair of eyes staring at Brauchy until the other side was uncomfortable. "And this kind of casualties will reach the peak in Stalingrad, and 100.2 million is not the end!"
As he spoke, he got up. "General kuechler can see clearly than you. Look at his attack plan yourself! This is the imperial soldier. This is what I deserve to entrust the front line to his general! "
Arcado picked up a report on the tea table and handed it to Brauchy. Brauchy took over the document. It was signed by kuechler, the commander of the N regiment in the southern theater of the Eastern Front.
The writing in this document made Brauchy frown. It actually said that the first stage was to prepare 50,000 soldiers for the cost of casualties to clear the defensive positions outside Stalingrad. Seeing this, Brauchy could not help but scold kuechler. Generally, the Germans will make armored forces to clear the edge of the city. This kind of casualties will be suppressed to a very small extent.
However, even in this report, the estimated German casualties will still reach a terrible 50,000 people. It is hard to imagine what heavy price the real city will pay once the Germans are on display. kuechler took the file and continued to look. Otherwise, the second stage of kuechler’s attack plan did point out the possible loss of troops-a full 250,000 people.
No one has ever doubted that urban warfare is difficult and bloody, but a commander of hundreds of thousands of troops has vowed that it is not enough to fight a city, and the cost of occupying the city is actually 300 thousand people. This does not make people feel a little too cruel.
After reading the whole report, "My Fuehrer" Blauchich felt as if he were struggling in the blood of Stalingrad’s corpse mountain. He felt that the blood was soaked, and his clothes made him sticky and uncomfortable.
However, he still struggled to express his opinion. "Although General kuechler saved a lot of resources, he sacrificed troops a little too much."
He breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to feel a little better before continuing to say to arcado in front of him, "I know the attack plan is to capture Stalingrad as soon as possible, but isn’t it a little impatient to rush to put troops into the city to fight as soon as possible?"
"I think the importance of Stalingrad is no longer emphasized by Marshal and me, right?" Arcado asked lightly, "So I ordered kuechler to capture the city as soon as possible. There is nothing wrong with this, and you know that the loss ratio of our army in Stalingrad street fighting will not be higher than one seventh. This is a plan. There is nothing worth repeating."
However, many of those killed troops have trained for more than 20 days in the Soviet purge movement, and some of them have come from Ukrainian volunteers to fill the Stalingrad pit. This is a tacit consensus of the German high-level officials.
After thinking about this, Blauchich felt a little better. After all, it is a qualitative difference for a senior German general to sacrifice foreigners or a group of young German guys. It seems that German troops are elite and cannot easily squander resources.
"But my Fuhrer," he thought for a moment, only slightly puzzled. His tone was not as tough as it was just now. "Even if our allies are so extravagant, it is not necessary …"
When it comes to "weakening allies can maintain our rule", arcado is much more professional than Brauchic. He gave the kuechler report to Brauchic mainly to show the marshal what is wrong with the basic tactics, not for any other reason. "We must seize Stalingrad as soon as possible!"
Kuechler’s tactics are not to wipe out Stalingrad block by block. If we insist on evaluating this tactical arrangement, the only accurate word is dull. At the end of the Qing Dynasty in China, there was a founder named Zeng Guofan, who drew up the basic tactics for the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, that is, "to make a hard camp and fight a dull battle". As a result, this tactic was almost written by Panshan Village in kuechler years later and handed over to arcado.
Kuechler divided the whole Stalingrad into several small blocks, and then each small block eliminated the competition. The enemy troops in the front line area fought repeatedly. His plan even accurately calculated the strength that could destroy the opponent several times in a region.
He also boldly persuaded arcado to urge special forces to clear small areas of the enemy and repeatedly clear them to avoid the infiltration of facilities such as the enemy’s waterways, which undermined the tactic of dealing with the Soviet Union. He suggested that small elite troops should hold off their opponents and then the large forces should encircle and annihilate them.
On the other hand, kuechler was no less than rokossovsky’s counterattack. He felt that the counterattack would cause more casualties to the Soviet Union. He boldly speculated that rokossovsky would give up the means of large-scale counterattack in a month. The German general was convinced that the German army’s slow and steady progress and the occupation of Stalingrad were the most economical and fastest way to fight.