Someone is staring at Ann.

Ann is still learning Terran language, but she can’t understand Terran language very well, but her senses are the most acute.
As Su Yu felt, she sensed others spying.
"I’m not afraid"
Touched the Ann said appease Su Yu took out the double throne and put it on the ground, and sat in peace waiting for Wang Chuan to return.
I’m afraid those snooping eyes are derivatives of the ruins.
Tianjiao, a hundred families, has a little doubt when he hears Ann’s words. Who will stare at this ruined land?
Is it possible that something spiritual has been derived here?
A thick bloody fog hangs over the ruins all year round, and the exploration of the sacred method is extremely low in visibility to the naked eye. Everyone can’t see anything outside.
Wang Chuan withered and didn’t know what happened in Su Yu’s ruins. He couldn’t put the acquired Lingbao support barrier outside. The distance visible to the naked eye was five meters.
The gate is swaying and floating, and the ruins are at least 10,000 meters away.
Wang Chuan is afraid to choose flying, and he can rely on his footwork and vision to see the dreamland of 100 meters and move forward slowly.
Although the spirit of the ruins can’t be put out, it is not shielded from the senses and vision of the practitioners.
As soon as Wang Chuan withered out of the Baijia Tianjiao Escort, he immediately perceived several ways as his quasi-holy power.
It seems that his exploration team, like himself, chose the safest walk to explore the road.
Just walked about 300 meters. Wang Chuan withered and intuitively felt the danger.
Took out a refining, Lingbao Wang Chuan withered the day after tomorrow!
"This is! What is it! "
Resist the came at his object Wang Chuan withered eye dew shock said.
74 Chapter 74 Misty creatures
Something is coming!
Wang Chuan withered and looked intently at the sight and collided with himself, which turned out to be a humanoid monster with a red light all over!
It is hoarse and growling, similar to the sound of orcs, and it runs towards Wang Chuan.
"Still dare to come! Look at your grandfather Sichuan withered! "
Wang Chuan withered and drank a lot, but the Lingbao barrier was shortened by one meter the day after tomorrow.
The Lingbao barrier is going to dissipate!
Carefully count on fingers when Wang Chuan withered and found himself out for a quarter of an hour.
Can’t consider the humanoid monster Wang Chuan withered quickly broke out in front of her eyes, and her strength rushed back and retreated.
"Isn’t that Terran the hand of Su Yu?"
"Gee, I really envy the hundred families for letting the golden decree heir hand."
"Envy what or hurry to explore"
"That’s right. Let’s go to the front area."
The two aliens walked forward cautiously as they spoke.
"Ah ah ah!"
Shortness screams fog sounded.
They are not like Wang Chuan Ku, who holds two acquired Lingbao in his hand.
The humanoid monster raided and instantly twisted out two quasi-saints!
At this time, Wang Chuan’s withered speed has reached the limit, and by the time he arrives at the Baijia Tianjiao Escort, Lingbao has become a waste treasure the day after tomorrow.
Wang Chuan’s withered head was dripping with sweat and the lost Lingbao was glowing with red light.
After the day, the baby’s body exudes fluorescent shield, which is eroded by the red light visible to the naked eye.
The ruins are dead and horrible!
"What the hell happened to my brother?"
Wang Chuanyi worried that anxious sounds came from outside the fog.
"Brother, it’s no big deal. I didn’t expect Lingbao to be tough for a quarter of an hour the day after tomorrow. I was just trying to find my way forward. I never thought that the barrier would suddenly fade and I would try my best to return to protect myself."
At this time, Wang Chuan withered and did not hide his own repair.
Listen to the one hundred tianjiao all draw a gasp.
The day after tomorrow, Lingbao could last for a quarter of an hour. If it weren’t for Wang Chuan’s quick reaction, I’m afraid he would be swallowed up by the dead immediately.
Wang Chuanyi smell speech eyes flashing know his brother must hide something terrible.
He looked at Su Yu, Su Yu, and said that he knew, "In that case, you should have a rest first."
"Wait, Wang Chuan is withered, right? You haven’t told us whether we can move forward in the end."
See Wang Chuan withered to retreat quickly calling on way
Wang Chuan withered smell speech pie pie way "sure can ah can’t I come back why so walk three hundred meters can stop".
Three hundred meters!
You went out for a quarter of an hour and ran 300 meters! ?
Are you a turtle!
The tianjiao mind vomit a way
"Hey, if it isn’t the arrogance of the hundred families, why doesn’t it move around here?"
Wang Chuan withered said to sit in situ meditation to restore strength.
Then I heard a stereo, and Su Yu and Baijia Tianjiao turned to see that it was Wusheng Pavilion Tianjiao.
"I don’t need you to talk when I’m a hundred people."
Terrans and aliens have always been at odds, and even Wu Shengge Shen does not like it.
"Ha ha, I’m just exploring here. I’ll be so angry."
Wu Shengge’s arrogant attitude made the ginseng feel angry.
It is well known that Baijia Tianjiao was killed by Su Yu.
Even if he obeys, he can’t destroy this fact.
Seeing Wu Shengge Tianjiao’s high-profile attitude, I don’t like it, but I still return to the real method and start work with Wu Shengge Tianjiao.
Wusheng Pavilion is a powerful force. Although there are two higher Terran forces, they are all powerful and belong to the top forces!
He gnashed his teeth and said, "You’d better pray that you can live to that time when I am out of the ruins!"