Zhao Wansan’s praise was very joyful. He said, "Thank you, Taishou, for praising this. It’s all a humble job. Fan Yangli has newly raised 1,000 county soldiers. Gao Dawei has also been training for a month. Because he promised to sign up for a bucket of rice and rations every month, the people are very enthusiastic, so he has chosen a group of good soldiers."

Li Chongjiu knew from the bottom of his heart that a bucket of rice was more than 12 kilograms. According to the current rice price, it was almost thirty or forty dollars. In this era, if an adult man wants to eat well, he needs at least two buckets of rice, and half a bucket of rice is almost enough for his wife and children to cook porridge for half a month. If he is given some wild vegetables and money, he can barely feed a family of two or three. If he enters the military camp, he will definitely be able to eat his stomach. This is a beautiful job for the people in the war of life.
However, for Li Chongjiu, the whole valley county is just two thousand soldiers standing by. It’s not that he doesn’t want to expand his army, but it’s a shortage of food and grass. The consumption of ten thousand grassland fighters in the south to eat horses every day is an astronomical figure. Two thousand county soldiers are the limit of valley county, but even with these two thousand county soldiers, Li Chongjiu still has no grasp of attacking Yixian and defeating Song Jingang
Li Chongjiu said, "The Zanfu director is effective. I know that you are invited here this time, but I want to ask one thing. When I went to Zhaozhuang, I remember that Zanfu seems to be old in Dou Jiande, right?"
Zhao Wansan immediately got up and sweated from his forehead and said in fear, "It was a great kindness to me to report back to the satrap, but after he became an official satrap, his humble job was devoted to the satrap, and he had been in contact with Dou Gong again."
Li Chongjiu said with a wave, "Don’t let Zanfu sit and talk."
Zhao Wan’s three-Hu chair butted half and Li Chongjiu said, "Zanfu doesn’t care that I called you. It’s Dou Jiande’s business. Do you know him well?"
Zhao Wansan said, "I didn’t dare to keep secrets from the satrap. My acquaintance with Duke Dou was the time when Tianyi levied Liaodong. At that time, I touched Duke Yang, that is, Sun An’s grandparents and grandchildren were going to Liao together. The county magistrate meant to be heavy, but at this time, Sun Xiong’s family had just sent water, and his wife starved to death. Sun Xiong pleaded with the county magistrate for his military service. Instead, the county magistrate wanted to whip Sun Xiong. A few of us couldn’t stand Sun Xiong and killed the county magistrate."
"After we fled all the way, we were lucky to be rescued by Duke Dou. After our death, Sun Xiong wanted to go to a high chicken pond and fall into bandits, and I was worried that my family had secretly returned to Zhaojiabao and the government had not wanted me. After a few years, the original patriarch died of illness and I became the head of Zhao family."
Li Chongjiu nodded and said, "Zanfu, what do you think of Dou Jiande?"
Zhao Wansan did not hesitate to give a thumbs-up and said, "The satrap Dou Gong is the most righteous and irritating person I have ever seen. When we killed officials, we were all decapitated. Dou Jiande Sun Xiong and I didn’t have much friendship and were willing to risk our lives to help. It was just a righteous word. A few years ago, his father died, no matter whether in the village or in Hebei, there were thousands of people who came to the funeral. He didn’t accept money from such a hero Zhao Wansan."
"Li Chongjiu nodded his head from Zhao Wansan’s admiration for his understanding of Dou Jiande. He already has a good understanding of it. It is probably that people are not good at dealing with each other, and it is easy to deal with each other. If he changes a word to Li Chongjiu, he rashly invites Dou Jiande to send troops to be rejected. Ten times * * But after being familiar with history, Li Chongjiu knows exactly that Dou Jiande is now worried about both sides. Ten times * * will be a hit it off.
When Li Chongjiu said, "Our army wants to win Song Jingang, but the war is unfavorable. We are temporarily trapped in the valley and need to seek reinforcements from abroad. I want to attack Wei Daoer and Zanfu with Dou Jiande. Can I come forward to run?"
Zhao Wansan’s face was somewhat reluctant. Li Chongjiu saw Zhao Wansan’s look and knew that he didn’t want to give up his business and ruined his personal relationship. It was a dilemma for him.
However, Zhao Wansan still said, "Since it is a life-threatening humble position, I will run a trip for the satrap. I think the satrap Dou Gongdu is a hero today and will achieve great things together." To be continued.
Chapter two hundred and eleven Woo
Five days later, Zhao Wansan returned from Raoyang County with a dozen riders braving the snow. Li Chongjiu heard that Zhao Wansan had come back to Dou Jiande, and immediately stopped Gao Chu and Wei Chijingde from practicing recruits and rode back to the county government.
"The satrap, please forgive me for my incompetence." Zhao Wansan bowed his head to Li Chongjiu.
Seeing Zhao Wanyi’s cover-up, Li Chongjiu took a closer look but saw a whip mark on the other side’s face. Li Chongjiu asked, "Is this whip mark made by people?"
Zhao Wansan saw that Li Chongjiu didn’t ask about the success or failure of things, but he asked himself about the scars on his face. When he was very moved, he said, "The satrap, alas, is … Su Dingfang, the general of Dou Jiande."
Li Chongjiu crooned a word, "It’s just that Dou Jiande doesn’t promise, and he has to humiliate my department for this revenge. I remember that you gave me a way to tell me everything."
Zhao Wansan also said with a straight face, "The satrap is not strange, perhaps it is also a place where there is a humble position."
Li Chongjiu said, "Why don’t you just say it?"
Zhao Wansan said, "On that day, Beizhi left Fan Yang with a letter in a satrap’s order, but Beizhi didn’t dare to neglect it and went to Raoyang County to ask for an audience with Dou Jiande. I told the door about this matter and said my identity, whether it was business or personal friendship. Dou Jiande will immediately summon me and know that I have been waiting outside for a day and I can’t see how to play outside for resettlement."
Li Chongjiu heart way this Dou Jiande points don’t want to see.
"On that day, I also said that Dou Jiande might not see me because the army was busy, but I could wait for three days in a row. Beizhi was in a hurry and thought that the prefect was still waiting for my reply. If it was too late to return, the prefect worried that when Beizhi’s heart was horizontal, he could not bear to break into the county government’s last door. After the announcement, Dou Jiande didn’t see it … This fellow turned his back on denying people and didn’t even read Zhao Xiong’s name. It was like asking me something?"
Zhao Wansan blushed here and obviously remembered that day and was very angry.
"It’s also someone who once got a place forgot to go to a brother. I haven’t seen him for decades. Today, his identity is different. At that time, when everyone was mud-legged, he was like a brother. I saw that there were dozens of generals in his hand. Leave him a few minutes and don’t send him a message. Just ignore this brother in the future."
"So I will be too trustworthy to give him his little words, so I was read by others. After that, I’m afraid this little guy actually said that we were overreached and delusional, and his alliance abused the satrap. It was very ugly. I just argued a few words when I couldn’t bear it. But this fellow said that he killed the old dog, but he said that we pleaded with Dou Jiande in a few minutes, which spared my life. But in the end, this fellow let Su Dingfang take the whip and chase me out of the yamen, so I was whipped out by dozens."
After hearing this, Li Chongjiu was silent and said, "I’m afraid there is something strange about Zanfu."
"That’s what I thought of the Taishou Jian," Zhao Wansan said. "I got whipped that day, and I took pains to say that he sent his daughter to ask me to lead Zhao Zhuang’s brothers to take refuge in me, so I didn’t agree. So I hated it. I think if I missed the Taishou event because of an affair, I would offer a humble apology to do the Taishou job well until the elegant sage came to visit me in the evening, and accidentally revealed the tone. It turned out that Dou Jiande Wei Daoer had been secretly communicating with the two families, and it was already a news to form an alliance."
Lee Chong-jiu immediately became somewhat appalled after hearing this.
"Elegant sages said that we were at war in Song Jingang, and they also heard that since we were enemies of Yan State, Dou Jiande and Yan State Alliance could never help us. At that time, he also advised me to get away from the satrap earlier, saying that there was no promise in the valley or to find another way out. After listening to it, Beizhi came back the next day and told the satrap."
After listening to Zhao Wansan’s narrative, Li Chongjiu’s heart said, is there a deviation in the historical trend? Dou Jiande not only has no history to attack Wei Daoer, but he has no history to unite with, so he is less dependent on crossing.
Li Chongjiu nodded and said, "Zanfu is loyal. It’s really hard to find out the details of Dou Jun’s curtain this time."
Zhao Wansan shamefully said, "It’s true that he failed to make the two allies feel guilty for their humble position."
"Stop" Li Chongjiu sent a few bottles of good gold-creating medicine to Zhao Wansan, and then excused himself. When Li Chongjiu sent Zhao Wansan out, he asked, "Zanfu, what did you insult me when you said that Dou Jiande didn’t need an alliance that day?"
"This" Zhao Wansan face be reluctant.
"You can’t be short of a word."
"Dou Jiande, the satrap, said that the satrap was a lackey from the imperial court, but the official thief was never at odds since ancient times. He had to go into exile because of the difficulties of the imperial officials, so he deeply hated this help of imperial eagle dogs. It is impossible for him to be willing to be a satrap alliance. He also said …"
Zhao Wansan spoke slowly and kept observing Li Chongjiu’s face for fear of offending him in his words. I didn’t know that Li Chongjiu smiled when he heard the words of imperial eagle dog.