It’s you. Why did you bring me here, brother? Where is he? Tell me quickly.

Little fox’s body slowly floats in a soft white light and submerges it in the white light. Small fox’s body changes rapidly, and its long tail rises, and the head of its limbs takes on a fantastic shape. A little fox transforms a little person bit by bit until the soft light covers its body. A petite person floats quietly in the middle.
She is twenty centimeters tall, and her body surface is covered with a layer of white fluorescent powder. At a close look, her slender body is as white as condensed snow, and even her age is not much different from condensed snow. A small face is cute than her body. A small white sweater covers her petite body, and her arms and legs are bare and smooth. Her feet are tender than her toes, and her long hair floats quietly in front of her eyes. The wind blows behind her and dances softly.
You, you are a little fox. Are you really a little fox?
Wow, it’s amazing and cute. Can you come closer to me? I really want to hold you in my arms.
Can you tell me your name?
The name Dragon and Fox is so strange and it doesn’t sound good. Do you think it doesn’t sound good, too? Then let’s change it to a better name. Oh, by the way, you smell good. Then I’ll call you Xiangxiang later, okay?
Hey, that’s great. I’ll call you Xiangxiang later. You smell so good. I really want to smell it every day. But Xiaoxiang, can you tell me where my brother is? Can you let my brother go first? I’ll be so scared if I don’t see him. I’ll be so anxious if I don’t see him, okay?
Do you ask me why I am so worried about him? Because he is my brother, the closest and most powerful person in the world, and I don’t want to leave him at all.
Xiang Xiang, why don’t you talk? Why don’t you let your brother go first and I’ll play with you here?
Ah, what if you want to occupy your brother’s body and occupy your body
No, I don’t want you. You can’t take away your brother’s body. Otherwise, I will be sad and die.
Your strength will disappear. No, no matter what, you can’t take away your brother’s body. Don’t, don’t
If you have to do this, how about my health? We are all white skin and hair. I must be more suitable than my brother, okay?
Chapter 183 Pocket girl Xiang Xiang
Are we good friends now? I’m good to you, and you must be me, right? Then I’m in good health. I won’t be angry at all. I won’t be angry at all if you don’t take my brother away. I’ll thank you. Yes, but can you accompany my brother instead of me and protect him like a sister? We are good friends, right?
Ah, what will happen? What brother’s health won’t? You’re lying to me, right?
I’m so sad that you will die without strength, but I’m even sadder without my brother. Is there really no other way to die? Xiangxiang must have other ways, right? Tell me that my brother will help you and don’t take him away.
You asked me why I would be so kind to my brother, because I can’t live without him, so I will feel at ease and be kind when I leave my brother, even for a short time. I didn’t know what it was like before I was sad. Later, my brother taught me a lot of words, and I gradually learned that this feeling is called attachment.
Attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment attachment
There was a turmoil in the white world, and consciousness disappeared again.
A cool feeling from the lips into the throat and then spread to the cool body, but with a warm feeling that makes him enchanted. This feeling is deja vu. Ye Chen opened his eyes and saw a broken blue lost temple roof.
Memories welled up before he lost consciousness. He sat up and shouted Cher.
Brother, you finally woke up.
A surprised shout rang in his ear to let him smell the sounds of nature and snow. She was holding a big green leaf, which was rolled up with a roll of clear water in her pocket. Ye Chen suddenly sat up and made her jump and spilled some wet snow-white princess dress, but her face was smiling with joy.
Ye Chen held her in his arms and said, Cher, you really scared me to death. Don’t be so ridiculous again, you know?
His last memory stayed in the condensed snow and suddenly protected him. Her body resisted the impact of the white light, and before he came to panic, the world turned white.
Cher was safe and well, and she was also unscathed and didn’t feel uncomfortable. He suddenly had a terrible Mengmeng, and he suddenly woke up before it was over.
Pupil heart leaned her body against his shoulder and smiled at the same time. When Ye Chen’s condensed snow was wrapped in white light, she was afraid and almost cried, but fortunately everything was a false alarm. After a big scare, everything miraculously reversed.
Ye Chen thinks that this place is still the lost temple, and the breath of the pupil also lets him know that there is no danger. Too many doubts come together. He stroked the snow-condensed hair and asked Cher, do you know what happened? Where did the little fox go?
Eee, eee, eee, eee.
A sweet and sweet voice suddenly sounded behind his head. Ye Chen turned his head and saw a little person floating there. Her body looked a little bigger than his palm, and her long white hair danced behind her. The white velvet clothes released soft white light on the surface of her body. Her body could be as small as a porcelain doll made of powder carving and jade carving. At first glance, she saw a shrinking condensed snow.
E-e-e-e-e saw Ye Chen look back at her, and her heart gave a lovely smile, and her body moved gracefully in a circle to show him her body.
This is Ye Chen, so surprised that he can hardly believe his eyes. Is this the elf in human fantasy?
Brother, her name is Xiang Xiang. By the way, she is the little fox that day. Oh, Ning Xue said with a smile
As if in response to the words of coagulation snow, Zhan Yan, a villain, smiled, and a white light wrapped her body, in which she quickly took shape. The scary fox fell to the ground and ran around the three of them naughty.
Ye Chen
Ye Chen felt a sense of falling into the fog, and the word that day in the words of setting snow surprised him a little. He asked Cher urgently whether he would ask Fox about it or not. I fainted for a few days.