Sitting in the cabin, everyone had a good meal and a short rest, and then they sat around the cabin to discuss countermeasures.

Zhang Yu pointed to the table river chart and said, we are sailing west here now, and we will reach Qinglan country, and to the north, it is close to Tianshan Mountain.
The water gazes at the girl, but if she marks his face, she bites her lip and says no slowly.
Guan Li swept her light interface. If the mark really changed, Duan Xiaoqi would know everything about us. In other words, he would arrange killers in the north and wait for us to win. Last night, everyone took Guan Li in a bloody battle and treated her as an outsider. She was calm and intelligent, and told her something. Although she didn’t want to admit it, what she said was true.
Shura is surprised. Isn’t that dangerous?
Xiaoxiao gathered his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair quietly. Xiao Qi may not know the truth, but he dare not make a move.
They can’t help wondering what.
It was only a few days before we went to steal the cherry blossom spider. Duan Xiaoqi knew how he could let us succeed or say that the fake spider was really killing us. Her words made everyone quiet and think carefully. Xiaoxiao went on to say that it was obvious that the sneak attack last night was so sudden that he must have been alert after losing the spider and took some extreme measures to force the mark. Kang Wangxian was cannon fodder and Duan Xiaoqi used it as a pathfinder stone. I always believe the mark. Even if he is a traitor, he is also struggling. He must not have revealed the unrealistic situation to the other party.
Shuishuang nodded, and we believed him.
Damn it, the wind slammed into the desktop. What can’t you tell us about that guy? I must take him apart, even though everyone is angry. It’s best to be private.
Guan Li pondered for a long time and said you were right. According to Duan Xiaoqi’s nature, he wouldn’t give us such a big loophole. It’s your brother. You can trust him, but I want to be practical from an outsider’s point of view. Even if he doesn’t tell the truth now, it’s not difficult to guarantee that he will be firm and never tell Duan Xiaoqi. He will definitely guess that we must have sneaked into the palace to steal poisonous spiders to detoxify. Plus, last night, so many of us stood in the way, but there was no trace. It doesn’t matter how we said it or not.
Shura lazily connected that we are going to race with that guy now, and speed up our efforts to get to Tianshan Mountain.
Let’s do it.
Xiaoxiao got up and went to the cabin.
On the deck, my hand gently caressed my lower abdomen, and my eyes drifted on the foggy river. My mother would save my father and find my brother to rest assured.
Then Guan Li slowly approached her tilting head. Guan Li, I should thank you.
You saved my life. Did you say thank you?
Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head. Well, now we’re even.
Guan Li’s sight is also drifting casually next to her. It’s strange that I will be in the same boat with you.
Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, cool and refreshing, keeping his head clear, because the common enemy would choose the same route.
Guan Li didn’t answer is looking at the distant god.
Stay at Junge.
She stared back at Xiao Xiao. What did you say?
I said, stay here and smile at her. In this life, no matter whether you are a flashy life or a half-life, the friendship is the longest. One is the classmate, and the other is the comrade-in-arms
Aren’t you afraid that I’m a bitter plan officer? Li deliberately looks away. Maybe he just wants to get your letter and then look for an opportunity to take your place and take your place and take advantage of it to deal with Duan Xiaoqi so as to avenge my mother.
Hehehese told me that in case of fire, your first reaction was not to run away, but to pick him up first. Your body blocked him from rushing to the fire, and you didn’t leave. Instead, you came here to fight with us. This is a bitter pill. Then I want to tell you that you succeeded and won my friendship.
Guan Li bit her lip not to let herself tremble and reveal her emotions. She was not used to showing her feelings to others for a long time. She smiled gently and turned her head slowly. Her eyes were as clear as spring water. I counted the strategies, but this time I lost.
Xiaoxiao smiled and shook her head. The woman was moved to death and was still holding on.
Shura came all the way with a wine bag in his hand. Hey, what are you whispering about?
Xiaoxiao said with a smile that you don’t know when you two will be ready.
I said, are you very idle? Who wants to build a shura with him? After throwing the wine bag to Guan Li, I took it and pulled it out. I took a sip of it gracefully, and then handed it to Xiaoxiao Shura to grab it. This is a small blood soaked into wine. She can’t stand it. I can’t say it again, but I finally bled from him and can’t just spoil it.
Oh, Guan Li picked up an eyebrow and smiled, but she has already shed blood, which shows that her feelings are extraordinary.
I caught a glimpse of Shura’s anger, and Xiao Xiao provoked his thumb to laugh and kill people in shape. This is the highest level of killer.
Please don’t talk nonsense, okay? Shura gave them a white look
Officer glass suddenly curious to ask me a question for a long time. Chapter 36 Strange Night.
What shura carefully pulled out the wine bag and stuffed the official glass in the past and asked a little question. When she heard her words, Shura pooped out a mouthful of wine and stared at her face with a funny expression.
Xiaoxiao patted Guan Li on the shoulder and winked at her. To tell you the truth, I asked one that was even more exciting than this.
Oh, what is it? Asked Guan Li curiously.
Shura gave Xiaoxiao a hard stare and warned the woman that if you dare to say one more word, believe it or not, I will drag your belly baby here now.
Don’t be so violent. Xiao Xiaogen is not afraid to say "Xiaohua" with a smile. We are actually very curious. What if the wedding ceremony is held that day?
Also said
At this moment, the little man came over to see Shura bulging and asked Xiuxiu what’s wrong with you and who made you unhappy?
It’s okay. Shura replied, his face is slightly red. The more he looks at it, the more he feels that something is wrong. Ask Xiaoxiao Xiaoxiao later what are you talking about?
Shura gave a warning and sneered. Then they pushed Xiao Bu and walked back. Let’s go.
After a day’s sailing at the speed of the river, the ship finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. A town people came ashore one after another. Zhang Yufeng first went to the town to hire two carriages and bought a dozen horses. He also needed some to go to Tianshan Mountain. It was getting dark in the town. After they found an inn to stay, they decided to go to Tianshan Mountain early the next morning.
Located at the foot of the mountain, the temperature is ten degrees lower than that in the wild goose country. The water is afraid that Xiaoxiao will be cold. A brazier bed is thick in the room and the windows are tightened before leaving. She is considerate and Xiaoxiao can see it in her eyes.
After a sleepless night, Xiao Xiao almost fell asleep in bed, but she slept until midnight. Suddenly, she felt that the temperature in the room suddenly dropped, and there was a hint of ice and snow in the air. Maybe the brazier went out or the window failed to resist the drowsiness. She turned over and wrapped herself up and went back to sleep. The Panther and Silver Wolf slept at her feet, and they would be warned at the first time.