I can’t think about it. My hands are itchy. I really want to kill someone.

But I can’t do that. I can’t disclose the news that she was taken away, otherwise it will create an opportunity for the queen mother to kill her.
So I lied that two night beads that I used to turn in my hand were missing.
I dropped the gate and mobilized the city guards to go door to door. I believe she must still be in Beijing.
There’s no need to make such a fuss when two night beads are missing.
However, it was in the hands of the emperor, and it would certainly arouse the emperor’s anger that people dared to despise the emperor and steal from him.
Through this excuse, I desperately searched for her.
A day passed and I couldn’t find it.
Two days have passed and I still can’t find it.
My heart is getting more and more anxious and fearful.
How is she now? She’s not hurt, cold or hungry.
I always thought she was taken away because I didn’t want to believe that she was divorced.
That’s true. I don’t know what I’ll do.
Until the fifth day, I gave up looking for it in a big way. After all, a court did not allow me to continue doing so.
But I will not give up, I will always look for her.
Without her, I am immersed in painful thoughts every day.
When I see the corner of Xuewan Temple, I will think of her. When I see the flowers in the imperial garden, I will think of her. When I see the sky, I will still think of her.
I found that I would think of her whenever I saw anything.
Sometimes I sit in her bed for half a day, and I even chew wax when I eat.
I know I hurt people’s often-said lovesickness.
Come back, my girl
At this moment, I realized that no amount of women can match your smile.
Come on, I want you alone.
Chapter 60 Millennium Love
The night is cool and the stars are shining, and the neon lights are shining in the city.
The light and soft night light spilled into the room through the glass window and enveloped in the exquisite purple big bed, as if to cover the sleeping girl with a hazy gauze.
The girl seems to be sleeping soundly. She lies flat on the length of the bed, covered with curly eyelashes and covered with a thin quilt. She is so serene that she can’t bear to disturb.
Yu Li-nan, a long man who knocked at the door, was a little tired after a day’s work, and his face was gone when he saw such a beautiful picture.
He went to the bed, sat with slender fingers and gently stroked the girl’s delicate white cheeks. His eyes were full of tenderness.
It’s been two months and nine days
From that day on, she suddenly fell into a coma and never woke up.
After several experts and a lot of valuable medicinal materials, she was not cured, and even the cause of her illness could not be found
A lot of things in this world are explained by Fa Ke, and several famous experts suggested that he go to a master outside the medical profession to treat her.
Knot still can’t find anything
It’s been two months and nine days, and the girl’s body has been supported by nutrient solution.