I can make a living by this thing, but I can barely make it by a little imagination. But no one thought that someone who wrote a novel without writing a name became interested in the settings in his novel, and specially prepared a humanities investigation project to send money to himself.

Rao Xin can still remember that he talked with each other about this topic in the last hour before the plane at the airport.
"What?" Rao Xin has always been a brain hole type, but he still can’t figure it out for the other party to stuff money into his arms.
This is probably the hundredth thing he asked.
The other party also answered this question for the hundredth time like the previous 99 times "because I think it’s worth it"
"Value?" Rao Xin laughed. "If you want to invite my former editor to dinner, you can get the money. I may not earn it for a generation. You have to give this price one percent … or you just don’t give money! I will be willing to do this job if you want to give me the way. "
"Is that what you think?"
"Am I wrong in this feeling?"
"Yes, this is reasonable." Rao Xin can still remember every word in the chat record. "But I also have a feeling."
"Do you think I’m worth so much money?"
"No," the other person said, "I feel wrong because of this."
Rao Xin didn’t speak at that time.
The other party said, "Do you know what wants you to go to Europe?"
"I thought about this because it is very developed," Rao Xin said. "Only those countries can find good answers to these questions in this project. If it is a country, no one will be interested in these questions. Even if you spend money, please answer most of them."
Rao Xin, after all, has only attended several meetings. He knows what the most mainstream views of the consultation meeting are. The Chinese may not have any problems, but the imagination level … especially the imagination and deduction of a completely illusory thing so seriously …
This kind of environmental country is hardly
But imagination is exactly the foundation of this project. At the same time, it can’t be finished or fabricated. To a great extent, it needs considerable scientific literacy to accumulate. The most important thing is to discuss this topic with enthusiasm and atmosphere.
Rao Xinfa refuted Shen Changwen’s remarks because deep down in his heart, he also agreed with this view-otherwise, how could he handle himself?
For Rao Xin, the only thing he can do is to work as hard as possible and be serious-he is a lazy man who has stayed in Europe for more than two months because of this project-it sounds like a high welfare country, but in fact, the diet in most Nordic countries … is very bad. After this trip, Rao Xin came back and lost more than 20 kilograms, and lost a little fat after writing novels for several years.
But the harvest is also great. The ancients said that it is better to read thousands of books than to take Wan Li Road.
Rao Xin was a little different about this statement before-modern people may be exposed to more information every day than the ancients did when they went out for a generation. What’s the point of going out to search for information in this era?
There is still reality.
At least in Rao Xin, those countries have seen those young people with different lifestyles.
Rao Xin remembers that when he was in college, he just stayed in the Internet cafe and played games for three years. Studying hard in high school was like a fixed-term imprisonment. The price was paid for four years of paid vacation. If you think about it carefully, it is still a loss-the most precious years of life are just washed away by the waves.
When Rao Xin was in college, anyone who came to discuss sci-fi topics with Rao Xin would probably be rolled over by Rao Xin at that time.
However, many universities in Denmark and Sweden can easily find students who are interested in this kind of topic, and they can even chat all night when they chat.
This phenomenon not only appears that many people who are interested in their topic in universities are regular workers, but they also participate in the discussion salon after work.
Rao Xin had expected this phenomenon before he went-but before that, the reason why he led to this phenomenon was that the Danes were rich, developed and well-off, and everyone was not worried about work, life and performance, and their attitude towards life was more free and romantic, which was a matter of course.
However, it is of course an important reason that he didn’t find cash until he went there, but it is not all because of money.
There are also many foreign students from China, many people from China who have traveled and have had many exchanges with them in Rao Xin.
However, Chinese people give themselves the impression that the richer they are, the less they talk about these topics, because everyone pays more attention to them. On the one hand, students think about grades and professional tourists, and the bosses who are the least short of money are paying attention to their own careers. Comparatively speaking, Chinese people are more practical.
There’s nothing wrong with being real. It’s …
What he said at the beginning was that the order of Chinese tattoos was a little too high.
He arrived at the Changzhou Hotel with milk fritters for breakfast. The dinner was not very good, but the simple collocation of breakfast was still very appetizing to Rao Xin. He sat in front of his brain with milk and prepared to sort out his thoughts while eating.
Eating is often the most relaxing time for a person. As far as Rao Xin’s personal experience is concerned, most of his good ideas in the process of writing are eating, going to bed and taking a bath in the toilet. He thought that if the college entrance examination allowed him to take a bath while eating, he might be able to answer questions in Tsinghua Peking University …
Milk is too hot and simple. I took a few sips of steamed buns and it tasted good … but …
But there seems to be something wrong.
Rao Xin noticed a lot of differences at a glance when typing his own brain document.
All written materials in the original document are in long English format.
After all, these materials were all typed by people in the name of the project when Rao Xin was abroad-many discussions were actually audio materials
These handwritten materials come from different people, but it’s just a unified copy here by Wu Xiaoqing. Wu Xiaoqing is a word document, and the whole document looks very messy because different people adopt different fonts.
Many conversations in the document are about whether there is a speaker’s identity-that is to say, you can’t understand many things in the document without listening to the original audio data.
But now the whole document in front of Rao Xin has become neat, and the person to whom each piece of sound belongs has been marked clearly …
The font of the whole document has also been carefully arranged, belonging to Rao Xin, the recorder. Some of the notes are marked with a font that belongs to the respondent and another font that comes from the internet to find the information. The exact information is uncertain … and they are all distinguished from each other.
Rao Xin took a quick look at the document department he brought back. It is estimated that there are more than one or two million words … These have been changed.
That is to say, Wu Xiaoqing watched these during his own sleep, and in just nine hours-no, Wu Xiaoqing should have left before two o’clock in the afternoon, which means that in just four or five hours, he watched all the recordings and compared all of them …
These recordings and texts contain seven different languages. Many people speak in one or two languages, but the recorder often realizes that the recorder is better at another language when recording.
This complicated information can easily lead to errors.
Rao Xin checked for ten minutes and found dozens of places he probably remembered, and found no mistakes or omissions.
To know these documents and information, when Rao Xin was in Europe, she also asked a special document processing company to spend some money to let them tidy themselves up on the spot and take them back.
At that time, Rao Xin didn’t know much about information business information. These workers didn’t spend much money and time-but the other party’s price and deadline made Rao Xin know that he was naive.
Just processing these documents will cost hundreds of thousands of euros if you find a professional company to do it! In addition, you need to wait at least half a month to a month, and this does not reflect the contract-that is, there is no guarantee.