It saw that its head flew high and disappeared from its visual range in a flash.

It can’t see that its head was kicked by Ji Xinghe to the front of the earl-level imperial mecha
It saw that it was as invincible as the sky, and the federal mecha held the sword in one hand and hooked his fingers in one direction.
It can’t see that this direction is facing the position of the earl-level mecha.
It looks like it didn’t get a response. The federal mecha turned around and looked at it, then came over and squatted down and smashed it in with one punch.
It can’t see how cruel it looks to all people in Ji Xinghe and orangutans at this moment.
As Huang XIII expected, Ji Xinghe will not only fight all the time, but also be cruel all the time.
Because the softness in his heart belongs to Ji Rong Xin Yue.
Chapter 211 Challenges that Can Change the Form of War
The command center fell into a short silence because of Ji Xinghe’s fighting style. They are the people who can see clearly except Ji Xinghe.
Those federal mecha who keep in communication can’t see the battle picture of Ji Xinghe, and they can only see the battle process afterwards based on their notification of their application for phase data sharing.
The first people to react must be the command center correspondents, who came to their senses for the first time and made a report.
And when they reported Ji Xinghe’s record, Ji Xinghe’s battle started again.
In the face of twenty-one imperial mecha who didn’t kill their hearts, he didn’t have the slightest fear of launching a charge. What’s worse, now he needs to face fourteen imperial mecha who didn’t kill their hearts and had more fear?
They don’t charge, they charge the Milky Way.
It’s as simple as that
When Ji Xinghe charged, the gunfire suddenly sounded from fourteen imperial mecha, and they poured all the ammunition they carried towards Ji Xinghe.
The battle really started.
The location of Ji Xinghe is surrounded by 14 imperial mecha with a radius of less than 100 meters.
With the help of mutual information sharing, they can all see Ji Xinghe, even if he charges up, Ji Xinghe has appeared outside their visual range.
All ammunition targets are Ji Xinghe.
Just charging up, Ji Xinghe has been making non-standard tactical evasive maneuvers in a circular area with a speed of 1 km per hour and a diameter of less than 200 meters.
He must keep this speed, even if it will bring him great load because the distance is too close.
The former imperial mecha didn’t use the long-range attack method because the distance was not close enough and the encirclement was not small enough, so Ji Xinghe could evade it, just like when they evaded the federal fire attack.
The roar is constantly raised by the dust storm, and the dust has just been cleared by the explosion, and the dust generated by the explosion is densely covered.
The fire kept exploding and then disappeared. The machine gun sounded like the blue star was equipped with a silencer gun in the alien environment.
But those bombs are more powerful than the blue star, because the mecha’s firepower weapon system is designed to deal with the mecha
The speed will be faster.
Keeping a high speed, Ji Xinghe can cross a distance of 277 meters per second, but it is nothing compared with the speed of those bombs and shells, because both bombs and shells can reach supersonic speed.
Knock, knock, knock …
Force to avoid Ji Xinghe was hit by machine guns after all, and the protective armor came in a clear sound because of the impact.
One white mark after another appeared, and the orange coating of his mecha’s protective armor was destroyed, and those Venus that had been sprayed became incomplete.
See painting fourteen imperial mecha fire hit Ji Xinghe mecha is in rags.
But there is painting.
If the ace mecha makes the mecha unable to resist these bombs and shells, what is the top federal mecha?
The high-load maneuver did not affect Ji Xinghe’s physical condition. Ji Rongxin was trying to master the sinking of qi, and Dantian Ji Xinghe was able to do it a long time ago.
Can control qi and blood from surging.