When a man and a woman fall in love, they always have offspring together, but Nasta Xixia is no longer a child because she doesn’t want to bring pain to herself, but Ta Lemond insists on having children because he thinks of what the human who saved him said to him six years ago.

"Life will always find a way out"
He didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence until now. The great wise man had already foreseen the present situation and pointed out the way.
So Lemond insisted that their child was finally born.
And it was the first time that the child cried that Norman suddenly twisted the world before him.
Chapter four hundred and fifty Oscillation secret
The stars shine at night, the prairie is unusually quiet, and all the creatures in the world have fallen asleep at this moment. There are sleepless nights, and the wind is still stirring wantonly. The prairie makes them even more rampant and whines like ghosts from time to time.
Norman’s scene was distorted and changed, and finally stabilized. He was not the newborn baby, but a tattoo with a shiny face.
He has returned to the prairie from reincarnation.
Although six years have passed in the reincarnation time, judging from the barrage of the scene before us, the world is a moment past, which is the same as Adrian’s reincarnation time, but unlike Adrian’s reincarnation time, Adrian’s reincarnation time was forcibly destroyed by world forces, but this reincarnation time naturally sent him out. Judging from the tattoo of this still glowing face on the back of this woman in front of him, this reincarnation time is still there.
Norman’s finger still kept the state of touching each other’s skin before, but his horse quickly withdrew his finger and stared at the face in front of him. The tattoo looked like his eyes were full of thinking.
The Knights Templar believed that sauville’s words were worth pondering, but this reincarnation time further strengthened the credibility of sauville’s words.
Sauville’s white night has passed, and it can be said that he contributed to the overthrow of the inferno rule. This doubt greatly increased the credibility of his speech.
He is indeed, as he said, an extraordinary person who has been born since the beginning of the world.
"What happened?"
Norman retracted his fingers like a touch, which was naturally captured by the Knights Templar. Plus, they knew about Norman and immediately something happened where they couldn’t see it.
Norman smell speech and glanced at the hines woman sure she is still in a coma that replied "this is a reincarnation time …"
He briefly told the Knights Templar what he had just experienced, and after listening to Norman’s words, the Knights Templar also raised the credibility of sauville’s words by a level like Norman, but they found supporting evidence from it, which was more substantial. "This reincarnation time may be left by Ta Lemond, or it may be left by Amiri, or their strength is intertwined and shared, but no matter whether this reincarnation time and Adrian’s reincarnation time are not at the same level."
"Adrian can leave a ray of distraction in his reincarnation time and observe that you enter this reincarnation time but can’t prove that Adrian’s reincarnation time power level is higher. This is one; The second is that the two sides are influenced by external forces. "
"Adrian’s reincarnation time was exposed to the world, which immediately led to the destruction of the world’s power, saying that it has exceeded the power limit allowed by the world rules. This reincarnation time is still at the power limit allowed by the world rules. Together, these two points can prove that Adrian is the top even in the White Night Year. He is likely to be the most powerful one in ancient and modern times, as sauville said, and he can teach sauville’s words with one hand …"
However, the Knights Templar has always been cautious in doing things. In addition to the increased credibility of sauville’s words, they also raised another possibility about this incident. "Of course, this Sins woman and her reincarnation may have been deliberately made by sauville and let you meet the so-called’ history’ sealed in it. It may also be a false purpose to make you believe in him, but from the current point of view, this possibility is too small."
The Knights Templar also made Norman love and hate.
They always think about things in such a positive and negative way. He often doesn’t know what to do, but it does constantly exercise his judgment and expand his thinking mode.
Whether what sauville said is true or not is not the focus of Norman’s problem now. It is a problem that needs to be verified for a long time. He quickly put this problem aside and noted some more practical problems.
His eyes moved from the back of the Hines woman to the astrolabe.
"This thing is not a dragon, but a dragon inherited it from the inferno, so it will resonate with the descendants of the inferno and lead to the discovery of anomalies, which explains why the dragon knows little about the astrolabe and doesn’t know the real way of the astrolabe because their root is the real owner’s hand, and the inferno is obviously not kind enough to leave them with a complete astrolabe."
Norman said his guess, Lancelot agreed, but added a little more, "Yes, but there should be an external condition. If we didn’t guess wrong, that external condition is a special moment, such as the starry environment tonight."
Norman nodded and added, "When the inferno prairie was extinct, it was either dead or moved northward. The only two infernos were Ta Lemond and Nasta Xixia. That is to say, these Xinsi people now, for example, this woman is the descendant of those two infernos?"
Lancelot said, "There is a high probability that the fate of these Sins people has proved this."
"It is obvious that the curse of Amirus has played a role, and the descendants of Lemond will become the lowest generation in the grassland. They will be enslaved and their figure will become smaller and smaller. Today, this kind of curse is almost the same as that of human beings."
Norman and Lancelot are chatting seriously. Those water friends in the live broadcast are not so serious. One sentence is the most classic.
"Give me a woman and I can create a nation!"
This barrage is the best summary for the Sins.
Norman and Lancelot chatted for a while, then looked at the unconscious woman in front of him and sighed lightly.
Many things, even those who have witnessed them, don’t know the truth, let alone history, which Norman now deeply understands.
Who knows that in the eyes of these people on the prairie, Santa Lemond is a traitor who betrayed the whole race at the expense of love? Who knew that the curse in the blood of the Sins was not planted by Lemond, their hero, but by the villain in their mind, the Sins consul in those days? Who knew that the Sins, whose lowly status is treated like cattle and horses, were actually descended from Ta Lemond?
It is ironic that the descendants of heroes have now become the most miserable people in the prairie. I wonder if Tower Lemond would have made a different choice if he had known the situation today …
Norman just stared at the woman in front of him while thinking about it. After looking at it for a long time, the tattoo on her back with a glowing face didn’t fade away, and I don’t know if Norman was in a trance because he stared for too long.
He felt that this Hines woman was breathing with that face tattoo on her back!
Yes, this tattoo is a face with a nose, but what Norman feels "breathing" doesn’t mean that it breathes through the nose, but the whole face breathes!
This is a very mysterious feeling.
I don’t know if I was tempted by this mysterious feeling. Norman has withdrawn his hand and stretched it out to cover the face, and the feeling is even stronger after he covers it.
This face tattoo is really breathing!
One, one, one, one …
It’s not the skin movement of a Hines woman, but the face tattoo made up of Norman hands. Those light rhythms are like breathing.
Photochemistry requires commitment, and Mann is not sure whether these inferno descendants still know their true identity in such a long time. In addition, to be on the safe side, after all, the term "inferno" is still more lethal even today, which is much more horrible than the Sins. He still called each other "Sins"
This Sims woman nodded her head after hearing the news.
Norman added, "I am also a Hines."
Experienced Norman blows cowhide, but his face doesn’t change, and his heart doesn’t jump. When he said this, this woman in front of him has always been a dead face, and her pupils suddenly narrowed and her mouth slightly opened.
Norman continued to lie with his eyes open. "The purpose of my coming to this tribe this time is to find you to solve the curse that has plagued my family for thousands of years, which is why I have been so friendly to you these days."
Norman looked at this Sims woman with sincere eyes.
Chapter four hundred and fifty-one Love cheat
The vegetation in the blue sky is gradually flourishing and drying up, and the land is also strong. The smell of weeds is mixed with the smell of soil, and it rushes into the nose to get wet.
Norman cart got up and looked into the distance.
In the far distance of his sight, there is a continuous motorcade moving slowly along the grassland.
"It seems that people from other tribes will arrive in Aarika in two days at most."
A female voice from Norman’s side pinched her tone, so she was charming and gentle, but she couldn’t hide her rough and heroic nature, but she looked a little funny.
Norman sat in the cart again, and the master of the sound beside him also sat with him.
It was a tribal woman with dark skin, garlic nose and sausage mouth, and her figure was as fat as those women in the tribe-it was Norman who specially selected it, and the result was the slimmest one he could find among his suitors according to the requirements of live water friends.
Norman side head looked at her.
This woman’s name is Harriet, and she is her lover.
Yeah, that’s right. She’s Norman’s lover now
Seeing Norman looking at herself, Harriet immediately stared at Norman unblinkingly and seemed to want to listen to what Norman was about to say to her, but Norman didn’t say anything to her, but turned her head and looked in the other direction.
There is a tall woman walking closely behind the cart where they are sitting now.
It’s that hines woman.
Thea, to be exact. This is the name of this Sins woman. He didn’t know the name of this Sins woman until Norman became her master.
Why Norman became the master of Artemis Thea and how she became Harriet’s lover? The whole thing has to start from the night when the stars shone.
After Thea woke up, Norman lied that he was also a Sinn, and made up a set of lies to get the signal from Thea. Thea could cooperate with him to study the oscillation secret, but Thea was really different from all the intelligent creatures he had come into contact with.