"Finally come back again!" Imperial heaven with a hint of emotion.

Li Canghai has been excited and shouted "Master Canghai has come back to see you!" "
Li Qiushui had tears in her eyes. "Master’s disciples have come to see you!"
Wu Xingyun is also a sad face.
Imperial heaven is a sigh. All three are orphans, and they are all free and unfettered. They were raised from childhood and free and unfettered, and their hearts are a father.
At the moment a roar appeared "good … good …"
Xiaoyao emerges directly.
Imperial one leng for free and unfettered like a fairy flew slowly.
Seeing this scene, Yutian can’t help but feel that "the strength of the master is unfathomable and I can’t compare it!"
Free and unfettered slowly falling with a hint of excitement staring at the Imperial Four.
"Good … good … you’ve all been here for years. I’m really worried that I haven’t seen you!"
Yutian sighed with both hands and raised his fist. "I’m worried about Master. Please say that Master closed and reformed the’ Northern Ghost’. It’s my fault that I didn’t dare to disturb Master now!"
Words falling at large are long smiles. "Ha ha … the sky is so deep that I can’t help it. Ten years ago, I created the Northern Ghost Magic. Now, the new Northern Ghost Magic is combined with the Changchun Magic to form a high-level achievement method. I call it the Northern Ghost Rebirth Method. This achievement absorption is no longer limited to the aura of trees, the sharp life metal of flowers and plants … These can be absorbed, but the most important thing is that absorbing the tree essence can make a person have limited vitality."
Said here at large with a wave of his hand, four green smells emerged, which directly flocked to the four bodies of the Imperial Heaven.
Yu Tian couldn’t help but say, "This is the essence of life!"
When the words fall, a flame appears in the hands of the Imperial Heaven, which is pulp washing and Yijing inflammation.
The flame kept burning, and the essence of life appeared in thick black smoke.
This scene shocked Xiaoyao. "God, this flame is a kind of flame that can burn the essence of life. You know, I have never thought of the means to refine the essence of life after painstaking thinking!"
Imperial heaven is shaking his head, the essence of life has been refined and clean, and suddenly a strong vitality emerges. Imperial heaven can feel that there is a saying no in his body.
"That’s amazing. This is vitality."
Soon after the Imperial Heaven felt the flame, a strong breath of life emerged in his body.
At the moment, the Imperial Heaven looked at the surprise and took out two cheats directly.
Xiaoyao couldn’t help but stare blankly at the cheats. "Washing the marrow and changing the tendons were originally these two methods. I said that it is not impossible to refine the life essence with these two methods!"
Words fall free and unfettered a thrill.
Imperial heaven is to refine the essence of life in the hands of Li Qiushui’s three girls. After all, although uniting the achievement method can keep youth, it can maintain longevity, but the vitality in the body is inevitable. At this moment, the essence of life enters their bodies and instantly returns to youth …
Chapter 179 Tathagata palm
Changchun Valley is picturesque.
Still pictures are mysterious but beautiful.
Imperial cross legs and sit in front of free and unfettered is nodding.
"Ha ha ….. the problem of Tianer is also that many people in this world are confused about the master’s condition. It is very common in the late Han Dynasty, but it is rare in the late Han Dynasty. The biggest reason is that the continuous war has caused many sects to perish, and the number of classics has been burned. Dong Zhuo burned Luoyang, and the Han Dynasty search method and the average number of books have been burned.
In the following years, few people know how to become a master in Shaolin Temple. If there is no such method, the teacher will steal these methods from Shaolin Temple. After all, the Buddhist Tang Dynasty made an enemy with me, and many important books and records in Shaolin Temple were stolen by me. "
Laughing at leisure is full of vicissitudes in the faint words.
There is a surprise in some shocking eyes in the royal sky.
Xiaoyao chuckled, "The so-called seventy-two stunts in Shaolin Temple are all separated from a martial art. Now the root of the seventy-two stunts in Shaolin is not the original seventy-two stunts. There are thirty-six real stunts in the seventy-two stunts, and the remaining thirty-six stunts are all made up later. They are all differentiated from the Tathagata’s palm. In the old days, it was even possible to steal the Tathagata’s palm and lose it as a master!"
Light words are full of domineering and fear.
Imperial Heaven was shocked and could not help admiring, "Is Master saying that’ Tathagata’s palm’ is the condition for becoming a master?"
Xiaoyao shook his head and threw a quaint door to Yutian. "The Tathagata’s palm is just a trick of Shaolin Temple. We naturally have this trick in Minstrel. It will take me more than ten years before you can become a congenital twelve-fold. Now you have become a congenital twelve-fold. This is a bit surprising for the teacher!"
Speaking of this, Yutian also shook his head. "Master, I have been visiting rivers and mountains with Qiushui for three years. Every time I go to a place, I feel something in my heart, but it makes me make great progress!"
The imperial celestial body slowly emerges with ethereal meaning, and a virtual mountain and river color emerges.
Xiaoyao is a burst of shock. "Tianer, you are a peerless wizard. You really understand that nature is the highest realm of martial arts. Without hundreds of years of knowledge, you never realized that the teacher’ Changchun Gong’ was created by watching Changchun Valley. The so-called Tao is natural, but the teacher really didn’t expect Tianer to understand this at an early age!"
Imperial Heaven chuckles with emotion. The world of carved gods is broken, and the body is tempered in the virtual space, so that the body can be turned into a five-year-old child’s body to achieve the first celestial body. These are not the greatest effects. The greatest effect of broken virtual space is to have the most acute feeling for nature, feel the natural scenery and understand the natural scenery more easily.
Thought of here, Imperial Heaven can’t help but smile bitterly, because Imperial Heaven didn’t know this ability until 30 years ago, and only then did it know the maximum effect of broken virtual here.
Xiaoyao regrets and then with a hint of happiness, "Taoism naturally understands these natural achievements. I have to say that you are a peerless genius, just like the ancients and latecomers."
Free and unfettered praise royal day is shook his head and looked at the hands of primitive simplicity.
It is the Tathagata’s palm that rules the sky. I really didn’t expect Shaolin Temple to have such a palm method!
Xiaoyao couldn’t help smiling when he saw this scene. "Knowing that you like secret books and so on, the teacher will show you the real sutra depository in Minstrel."
Yu Tian’s eyes lit up and he said, "Thank you, Master, but does this’ Tathagata’s Palm’ contain the Master Method?"
Xiaoyao nodded slightly and said with emotion, "A master must get through five acupoints, which correspond to the sun, the moon, the white stars and stars. Many people wonder where these five acupoints are, and some people have never heard of them."
In fact, these five acupoints correspond to Jin Mu’s five elements of fire, water and soil, and the five internal organs of the human body are spleen, lung, kidney, liver and heart. The remaining five acupoints are spleen, lung, kidney, liver and heart. "
Xiaoyao said that Imperial Heaven was stunned and his brow wrinkled. "Master’s five internal organs are fragile to the human body … Even if I practice’ Innate Xingyiquan’ to refine the five internal organs, but the five internal organs are still fragile, there is no way to open acupoints in the five internal organs!"
Speaking of which, Imperial Heaven has made it clear that the last five acupoints need to be opened by himself, and then the master can be achieved.
Xiaoyao nodded with a long sigh. "It is precisely because the five internal organs of the human body are fragile that you want to create a similar abdomen in the five internal organs. This is hard work. Many people are looking for alternative methods, and some people are looking for ways to exercise the five internal organs. It is a good way to refine the five internal organs. Your Seven Injuries Boxing is also a good way to refine the five internal organs. However, this is only a way to refine the five internal organs.
This is how many people take advantage of the Tathagata’s palm. The Tathagata’s palm is divided into seventy-two stunts. The success of seventy-two stunts is naturally different. These different skills’ Tathagata’s palm’ constraints constantly refine the five internal organs, and finally seventy-two stunts will form five acupoints, which will eventually become Tathagata’s palm.
At present, there are no 72 stunts in Shaolin, especially if the average person practices a few more stunts, and even worse, 36 of the 72 stunts are real stunts. This Shaolin Temple has been in decline for hundreds of years without a master! "
Royal day shocked eyes emerge in horror have to say that free and unfettered really badly looking at the hands of’ Tathagata palm’ heart is a burst of expectation.
Free and unfettered shook his head and looked at the palm method in the hands of the Imperial Heaven. "Tianer Shaolin Temple has the five zang-organs method. How can I Minstrel not have my Minstrel method? It is different from Buddhism’s own practice of Minstrel. It is the practice of uniting the five elements and five elements to absorb the five elements’ attributes and rely on five attributes to create five zang-organs and orifices.
For these five attributes, Reiki needs five different spiritual objects to increase five different skills, and then open five acupoints. Once successful, five acupoints are not only more powerful than people, but also their skills are greatly increased! "
Free and unfettered words must reveal a proud look …
Chapter 1 Animals
"Five kinds of spiritual objects should also correspond to Master Jin Mu’s fire, water and soil. Nowadays, the aura of heaven and earth is as thin as looking for these spiritual objects!"
Imperial heavenly heart one leng stare at carefree is nai.
Xiaoyao said that the method is simply that local tyrants create the’ Tathagata’s palm’, that is, to free up the five zang-organs and to free up the five zang-organs of the spirit. I have to say that Dharma is simply a beggar and Xiaoyao is a local tyrant.
Xiaoyao can’t help but smile and look at Yutian. "Tianer, do you know the title before the teacher?"
Royal Heaven shakes his head. Who knows about the title of Xiaoyao? After all, Royal Heaven was not born when Xiaoyao was alive.
Xiaoyao emerged with a smile and a hint of conceit. "From the end of the Han Dynasty, many people called me a skinner. It means that nothing good grows because of the teacher’s place. I have to take away these five lines of spiritual things. Others have no teachers, but they have a lot of protection!"
Xiaoyao said and got up slowly, regardless of the shock of the royal sky. "Come with me!"
Royal day nodded to follow free and unfettered behind can’t at the moment royal genius know free and unfettered also has such a treasure.
Soon Xiaoyao came to a stone wall with the Imperial Heaven. This stone wall is just an ordinary stone wall in Changchun Valley. Look at the stone wall casually.
Suddenly a roar came.
The huge stone wall is slowly shaking at the moment.
Imperial heaven saw a glimmer of light behind the stone wall and couldn’t help but say with horror, "This is the master of the valley, Changchun Valley, which is so magical."
Xiaoyao chuckled and nodded. "How can it be so simple to find a treasure?"
Words fall free and unfettered walked directly to the valley, followed by the imperial sky and looked around.