On the surface, it’s a bit like a huge portal from a very distant planet to Audoul, just like when Gourdain Delano used the dark portal possessed by Medivh coordinates to hit two planetary passages.

Actually, it’s not like that in Duke’s perception.
It seems that the black hole at the other end of the multiverse suddenly connects, and the universe here should devour everything. The black hole is discharging something. Of course, astronomy can also be called a’ white hole’.
What’s so strong that it’s tearing across the dimension to get here
"wipe! I forgot him! "
Yes! He just watched Orgalon!
He was the Titan who kept observers to clean up the world when the planet was accidentally corroded. In order to prevent Olgalon from discovering his crime, he modified the data. Until his death, the observers would come to format Azeroth and let all creatures be buried with him.
This is the mind that has been completely corroded. Loken dug a big pit for Azeroth creatures.
Although he knew that Torim had attracted Orgalon in this life, Duke still wanted to say to Orgalon, "I bought a watch last year!"
You, you didn’t come early or late, but you came out to make trouble when we killed Yogger Salon.
If it’s early, it’s good to bring Olga Long to help fight the ancient gods.
Come less later, and everyone can rest for a while and regain their vitality.
This guy card at this point in time is also unique!
The body of the Chapter 1643 Give a look to understand yourself.
Torim’s face turned livid, and not only did all his guardians look gloomy.
"What’s the matter?" Magny noticed that their reaction was not normal.
Freya said a sentence that shocked the powerful members of the alliance: "Let Yogsalon go free, and we are tantamount to dereliction of duty. When Olgalon arrives, he may disqualify us on the spot. By the way, disqualification is destruction."
Torim interface "remember what I said? If Orgalon decides that the planet Azeroth has been completely polluted, he will send a signal to the Pantheon to purify, that is, destroy the whole planet. "
For Torim’s words, all the strong players in the league are worried, but for Duke, the passer-by, he can once again play the role of drama. It took a long time to say this. "What if … we guys who don’t belong to the Pantheon run to beat us up and talk to Orgalon to make him give up sending signals to the Pantheon?"
Duke’s voice fell, Gavin Rudd and McGonagall and other guys were already booing, and even Queen Greek clenched her own artifact longbow grip.
Er, I’m afraid that these guys will really set up an empire. What’s the name of that empire? It’s called "the empire of doing things", right?
In the face of this group of daring mortals, or mortal deities, Torim rolled his eyes. "As the guardian of Audoul, we will decisively kill those who do harm to Audoul. On the other hand, we will also prevent you from communicating with the Pantheon messenger, but in case you have a conflict with Orgalon and Orgalon orders us to purify you, we will not hesitate to follow the order because it is our duty."
Torim’s business is business.
Duke bared his teeth. He meowed Torim. You’re a chicken thief, too! Like you’re not the one who’s been dragging Olgalon for so long?
Since Torim speaks like a bureaucrat, he’s almost showing Duke, and Duke gets the message.
Duke waved his hand [Ayesh] and Mata’s arcane energy manipulation flew back. He looked at his artifact staff. "Our communication with Orgalon must be secret and will never be kept secret from my grandfather. I hope all guardians will abide by their confidentiality principle."
I’ll give you a look, and you can understand it yourself! We’ll beat Olgaron so hard that he doesn’t even know his mother, and we promise to make him scream his throat out. If no one hears you, just pretend to be stupid.
Mimiron’s mechanical eyes flashed more than "Titan didn’t expect us to stay the same in those years. They were also eager to see changes and new possibilities, otherwise they wouldn’t have arranged me as a creator."
This is also a hint that several guardians or watchmen nod along.
Duke suddenly became a little attached to the Pantheon.
Have to admit that they are great.
The titans can create such a group of powerful creatures with self-awareness and self-values, but with firm will to abide by their duties.
Under normal circumstances, the guardians will never exceed the responsibilities set by Titan.
But they are willing and eager to achieve a perfect balance of responsibilities.
The titans, the name of the creator, can definitely afford it.
"You should get a platinum disc from the Steel Council," Mimiron woke up.
"This?" Gavin Rudd, get your stuff out.
"This is called [archive data disk]!" Mimiron said as if absent-mindedly and then refused to speak again.
Duke smiled and patted Gavin Rudd on the shoulder. Everyone understood that this thing is the key to Olgalon’s arrival.
However, it is impossible for the guardians and watchmen to help Duke and his own imperial envoys. This is the biggest weakness.
Everyone is a little nervous in my heart.
Duke can’t tell. After all, this code is quite taboo.
"Well, let’s give points to the Yugsarong collection first and then talk to Orgalon! It’s a little tight this time. I’ll make my own decisions without authorization. "Duke once again served as the head of the black hand regiment and went to the equipment.
"Good, no problem"
"That’s it."
This time, there is nothing to be ashamed of. An ancient god who has lived for tens of thousands of years, especially a god in Yugsarong during the dark empire period, enjoys tributes and sacrifices from several believers.
Many treasures will never take it with them. With the destruction of Yogger Salon’s core living body tissue, this portable body also collapsed.
Duke saved the thing before this little crash.
This wave is still quite fat.
Jaina got the dagger [Soul Mark], which looks like a double-headed sword, but it is actually quite small. There is something similar to "?" Green rune energy is flowing, I wonder if it came from Titan’s battle with a warrior in those days, because it is a pure Titan rune magic sword.
Because it has the same structure with arcane energy, it can give Jaina a lot of extra magic circuits, which directly increases her spell strength, casting speed and spell crit.
Vanessa got a ring with the emblem of the god of slaughter, which not only gave her a lot of agility, but also proved to be a god of slaughter.
Edwin Van Cleef fished out a regicide. Although the name is not pleasant to hear, it is true that this sharp dagger has brought him attack power.
Magny took this defensive ornament without controversy. I don’t know from which dynasty the king’s face was covered with blood stains. Even after several years, it still seems to prove the determination of the king to protect his country.
Most of the drops of Yogurt Salon are spare parts. Raise your hand when you see anything suitable, and then distribute the clothes on the spot.
If you are worried about any curse or uneasy shadow energy residue, just purify the Freya next to you. It’s easy to lift a finger.
Duke also changed his equipment for a long time.
At the level of demigod, generally speaking, unless it is an artifact, there is nothing worth taking by Duke.
Whether it’s worth it or not is another matter.
Duke got the "boots of the false gods". That’s not the name of the boots. The history was written by the winner. Since Yogsalon knelt down, it is a false god.
There is nothing special about these shoes.
The focus is on the back [Extraordinary Horror Shoulder]
The body of the Chapter 1644 With what! ?
This cloth shoulder ornament is quite eye-catching
The curved and crescent-shaped shoulder ornament has a pink mask similar to the outline of the shoulder armor, which not only has extra magic defense ability, but also is as bright as neon lights.