Just what’s going on? Destiny’s cloud gently wipes his face with blood and smoke, picks his eyebrows and asks Destiny’s Lotus Road

I don’t know what power it is that those ghost storms are instantly sucked away by spinning and sucking.
At this moment, the green light around the body of Cang Lan is like now, and a warm and comfortable water vapor slowly swings out of Cang Lan, raising his hand with his eyes open and passing through a green light, and the light suddenly stops at the young finger and instantly collapses into a feather shape.
A large piece of soft red feather was scattered around the destroyed Canglan like a light rain. Every feather crossed the phantom, like a green mountain, softly spread on the foot of the destroyed Canglan, but a hiss immediately sounded. Those feathers were immediately corroded by the destroyed Canglan’s full circle and turned into slightly pungent coke smoke.
Destroy Cang Lan’s soft feathers, and the lotus flower flashes without moving, but spare no effort to quickly adjust the body. The eye can see clearly the direction of conveying cold and hot air to the damaged meridians, and the sound of flesh and blood overlap is the same as slowly crumpling colored glass paper.
Call out the surging billow with a jerk and stumble a few steps in the circle. The fingers are suddenly scattered and scattered on the forehead, and the red hair body moves obliquely.
Opposite him is a petite figure who is still half-length submerged in misty gray smoke. She has squatted on the ground like a force, hugging her shoulders and crying with low trembling.
Destroy the surging billow in front of QingLuo knelt down and gently stroked her little head and softly called Alo.
Qing Luo suddenly raised her red face slowly, and her eyes were as pitiful as those of a lost animal. Her eyes were full of complexity and horror, and she lost her love, and she seemed afraid to admit that it was her lover at present.
Alo put out Cang Lan and held Qingluo in her arms slowly but firmly, which didn’t dare to slap her shoulder gently and immediately made Qingluo cry. Are you all right?
Brother Qingluo has been sobbing, but in a ghost storm, she doesn’t know how to move, and her heart is full of pale fear, which actually comes from a reunion after a long separation. Chapter 6 Silk Luo is entangled in the puzzle and lotus roots hide tenderness.
Yes, an extremely familiar feeling, as if buried deep in her soul, is that this strange ghost storm brought her like a long nightmare coming again.
Brother Qingluo dared not dwell on that feeling again, trying to keep her broad shoulders and burying her little face tightly in his chest and crying, What did you do? What did you just do? No matter what I did.
It’s like flying in the eyes of Cang Lan. It never snows. He gently sticks to Qingluo’s ear and says, "It’s just an emergency. My brother left for a while. I’m sorry, Alo. I’m sorry."
Brother, do you want me? Qingluo choked back a sore throat and raised her head in a panic, twitching her nose to see if Cang Lan would be destroyed. Raise my hand and erase the blood on his lips. Brother, are you hurt?
The little girl immediately shifted the focus, shaking her little hand, stopping at the place where she was afraid to touch it. The body at her hand was the shocking elbow bone pierced outside. Brother, how can you hurt or not?
Qing Luo’s tears can’t stop dying like running a river. Cang Lan presses his chest hard, and a sharp pain rushes to the blood rainbow. Before he sinks in the abdomen, he laughs slightly. It’s okay. Brother is okay.
How can it be all right? Qingluo stamped her foot and bit her lip, but she wanted to wave her powder fist and beat out Cang Lan’s hand, but she hurried back halfway. Her face almost changed so much. What’s going on? I saw a lot of ghosts as soon as I came, just like I was in that elegant door. I wanted to help, but my chain knife somehow became so heavy that I couldn’t move. I couldn’t move.
Qing Luo said more and more afraid. If it comes to that kind of spooky and weird ghost, she has seen a lot of it in the elegant door of Hanshan League. She is afraid of the surging familiarity of her heart. She doesn’t know this familiarity at all, but it is so clear.
Don’t be afraid that Alo will destroy Cang Lan and quickly put her arms around Qingluo’s trembling little shoulders and repeatedly comforted that it’s okay.
A gust of wind swept over and destroyed Cang Lan. Listening to the hurried footsteps almost stumbled and descended. Fierce Qingyang squatted beside him with a brush. Cang Lan, are you okay?
The fierce green sun seems to have roared this sentence with his residual energy at the moment to extinguish Cang Lan. I’m not deaf. Why are you yelling so loudly?
The fierce green sun choked and suddenly took a long breath. continuous shooting’s chest is still that virtue. It seems that you are all right, eh
Accidentally touched the torn wound, fierce Qingyang growled and quickly moved his palm, but the hand was grabbed by Qingluo’s soft little hand.
Qingyang idiot, you’re hurt, too. Qingluo sucked her nose in tears, which made fierce Qingyang unable to help but repeatedly touch her head in a panic. Is everyone hurt?
Ha Lie Qing Yang gave a quick laugh and said hastily, "This killing will always hurt Carol. Don’t cry."
Qingluo bowed her head and wiped her face with tears. Qingyang idiot, you can’t even speak clearly.
It’s not just that you have a bitter smile, but you see Qingluo turn around and look at it with an indescribable and complicated eye.
Brother, you won’t want me. Did Qingluo suddenly spit a word as gently as if she were afraid of waking her sleeping lover?
How can it be? The pain in the chest is smothered by the surging billows, and the sound has stabilized a little. Pull up Qingluo and gently stick to her soft little face, silly girl.
Brother Qing Luo’s nose is wrinkled and fluctuating, and my heart can’t help but close my eyes and two lines of clear tears come.
It’s really wronged this little girl. Fierce Qingyang can’t help but frown lovingly to stand and see that this pair of brothers and sisters who are hugging each other shake their heads and hold down the wound. What on earth will bring such a pure girl into the WTO?
Are you all right? Seeing the destiny, Lotus Hua came quickly to wipe away the dust on her face. She anxiously looked at the three people for a while, but the fatigue after the war did not affect her beauty. She was always the same as a lotus, and her eyes seemed to wrinkle a pool of spring waves at any time.
Fortunately, the fierce green sun saw Cang Lan’s mind at this moment was in Qingluo’s body, and he took the words and laughed. Then he hissed and cried, "It’s those serrated teeth that really bite you rudely."
Lie Gong, rest assured, I’m in Xuanzong Chinese Medicine Association, and you’ll heal these pains. The destiny of Lotus China evokes a warm smile like the spring sun, but the eyebrow eye sinks and squats down, but it’s polite not to get too close to the brother and sister who are hugging each other. Alo, you’re not hurt, are you?
Sister Qing Luo of Lianhua suddenly raised her little face and saw the gentle face of destiny Lianhua. She smiled slightly through tears and wiped her face with tears. I’m fine, my sister.
Of course, it’s okay. My sister is very powerful. The fate of Lianhua wittily blinked and then turned to destroy Canglan Judo. I think I understand that you won’t let me rush.