"Everybody move with me and get ready to rest on the spot."

From the area where the main force of the empire has been destroyed, you can rest at ease. Who knows if the empire has left any guiding devices?
Move up. In the process of running the federal mecha, I heard the sound of Ji Xinghe again.
"After the rest, we will March to the main force of Empire One."
"Tu Yuan"
"…" TuYuan took a deep breath "I"
"The worse, I need to know if it is possible for the two empires, space battleship, to be led to the main force domain of Empire One."
A minute later, Tu Yuan’s sound came on.
"can lure the past"
"Then bring them here."
"What do you want?"
"I want them to come. I want those 1,100 Imperial Mechs to turn back."
"It is unlikely that from a strategic point of view, imperial space battleship has lost its intention to attack. Their main goal now is to try to break our damaged space battleship or try to attract many of our warships to pursue when they rise too long, thus affecting our support for surface warfare."
Tu Yuan explained it carefully.
"They can’t land the 1,100 imperial mecha, and they can’t turn back. They have found 290 mecha from the base, but they have no intention of pursuing them. Their goal is obviously to determine the exact location of the base and then make this war a battle between us and the imperial firepower."
Ji Xinghe was quiet and there was a short silence after listening.
Just when Tu Yuan recognized that he said Ji Xinghe and won Ji Xinghe strategically, he got back a game.
Ji Xinghe calmed down.
"They will land, they will turn back."
Consciousness wants to question or explain more clearly. Tu Yuan’s words are choked up again. He blushes and asks, "What?"
"Because the mountain is there"
The philosophical answer made Tu Yuan have an impulse to get mad, but he didn’t get mad because he was facing Ji Xinghe.
Andy once said that one should not speculate about God.
He and Andy both believed in this sentence and doubted it, so they lost the only chance to question Ji Xinghe.
So he thought hard and understood.
Ji Xinghe is that mountain.
Chapter 39 Xinghe to win
Seventy federal mecha have been repaired by Ji Xinghe Alnilam, a mechanic, and the department has returned to its peak.
Ji Xinghe refused the support of one hundred mecha from Alnilam and took his soldiers with him.
Go forward