In the end, Cleveland rapps is cheaper than regicide and God-eater regicide, which is about 11% in length, and God-eaters are less, with 6%.

Because this is equivalent to one god "eating two things", killing the monarch, devouring the source blood and the soul, devouring the divinity and dispersing some souls, there is not much to add to both sides.
Lu Chen looked at the regicide in his hand. Recently, he felt something was wrong because he just triggered the reaper. That’s a 5% chance!
Shouldn’t this probability be for yourself?
But the two times he joined the former glorious adventure group have already triggered three times, and the ancient gods triggered the reaper, which made him a little uneasy.
This feeling is like a non-Emirates who draws a card and draws a single shot into his soul. When he draws the SSR energy that he wants most, he will wonder if he should eat something.
Lu Chen has always been lucky in his luck. One of the lucky attributes is that he is a bottom-level figure. He should be satisfied if he goes out like this without being hit by meteorites. How can he hit the big BOSS just to trigger the reaper?
12 true spirit Lu Chen believes that even if you buy fairy equipment, you can buy very good quality, and the score may reach 9, which may not necessarily be converted into one, which is probably the output limit of this world.
Is it because the origin feels that he has never exploded the treasure chest? Is this a disguised form of compensation?
I don’t know if I want to go to Liu Chen. The ground feels like a swamp.
He didn’t try Zhang Shennian, and he was also relatively low-key because he saw the difficulty of this hidden snow area
This difficulty series means that there is probably a old gods hidden here.
He doesn’t say that God is forbidden now. All the equipment and skills are in the CD. If you touch a prosperous old gods, it is almost ten dead.
This piece of land is strangely quiet, and there is no fluctuation of the square current. Around it, you can vaguely hear some small creatures moving and making noises.
That’s something similar to krill. Wet algae have a unique ecological chain here.
Lu Chen leaned over to look at the creatures here and picked up a small krill. He was not hungry, but simply observing one.
With a slight finger, the krill was not directly crushed, which surprised Lu Chen. He felt that krill had no strange smell. In the definition of this world, it should belong to ordinary creatures, but it seems to be very hard.
Liu Chen increased his finger strength again, and it took about 10% strength to crush this little guy.
After he did this, he suddenly felt that he was stared at by many pairs of eyes. In Fiona Fang, krill climbed to the tip of algae for dozens of miles. They had no eyes because they had been degraded in the dark all the year round, but it gave people a chilling feeling.
Of course, Lu Chen didn’t feel that he couldn’t help glancing at this group of krill, which should be some kind of social animal similar to the earth’s army ants
Sure enough, there will be no creatures in the hidden snow area with the seventh difficulty, which is easy to provoke.
But after Lu Chen scanned a circle, those krill could shrink back and hide from algae.
He has just killed a old gods whose body ShaQi is so thick that he has no idea. The lower the creature, the sharper the sense of wildness. He felt that Lu Chen’s breath was slightly released and he almost fell into suspended animation at that moment.
Lu Chen feels that these krill are still quite friendly, and they are crushed by themselves. I’m sorry about that.
He stepped forward, his breath converged, his feet stepped on the words, and he shuttled quickly.
After reporting his safety to his teammates, he decided to explore this place, and maybe he could get some unexpected results.
Lu Chen, the top film, judged that it needs at least 1 attack force to break it. He can’t do it yet.
Cleveland rapps may not have too much strength when he sent himself in, but the will of the ancient gods seems to be able to make the guy here press himself into the deep sea. This place is absolutely hostile. Maybe he wants to borrow his ancient hand to get rid of himself?
Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the land in the northern part of Sistine Empire was wet and clean as if it had been washed.
The virtual sea disaster finally ended, and the vigil led the people to return to their homes. The Empire allocated funds for disaster relief and carried out urban repair and reconstruction.
And most of the night watchman also returned to their own duty provinces and returned to daily life.
In the morning, the king of Sistine Empire held a church headquarters cemetery and countless clergy gathered for a grand prayer ceremony.