On the surface, it’s a bit like a huge portal from a very distant planet to Audoul, just like when Gourdain Delano used the dark portal possessed by Medivh coordinates to hit two planetary passages.

Actually, it’s not like that in Duke’s perception. It seems that the black hole at the other end of the multiverse suddenly connects, and the universe here should devour everything. The black hole is discharging something. Of course, astronomy can also be called a’ white hole’. What’s so strong that it’s tearing across the dimension… Continue reading On the surface, it’s a bit like a huge portal from a very distant planet to Audoul, just like when Gourdain Delano used the dark portal possessed by Medivh coordinates to hit two planetary passages.

It saw that its head flew high and disappeared from its visual range in a flash.

It can’t see that its head was kicked by Ji Xinghe to the front of the earl-level imperial mecha It saw that it was as invincible as the sky, and the federal mecha held the sword in one hand and hooked his fingers in one direction. It can’t see that this direction is facing the… Continue reading It saw that its head flew high and disappeared from its visual range in a flash.

So it seems to outsiders that the two men suddenly stopped to look at each other over there.

This scene is very strange and makes the audience somewhat puzzled. But just because most people don’t understand doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t understand. The first thing to react is Tam’s pet animals 2. Lu Yuan pet animals, but they know a lot about Lu Yuan’s means. Outsiders know the most about Lu Yuan, and others… Continue reading So it seems to outsiders that the two men suddenly stopped to look at each other over there.

To tell the truth, augustus doesn’t think that many hundred cavalry in 3 towers are paid a year, but Huang Xuan didn’t say it was 3 towers for porcelain technology.

Frederick felt that he should make sure of the matter, so he shouted at Huang Xuan, "I’ll give you five talers. You have to make porcelain like this." He meant putting the Kangxi dynasty porcelain on the table. Huang Xuan said with a smile, "Taller made this porcelain at a price that you did. Let’s… Continue reading To tell the truth, augustus doesn’t think that many hundred cavalry in 3 towers are paid a year, but Huang Xuan didn’t say it was 3 towers for porcelain technology.

Categorized as 品茶

"Many people ate them!"

"ouch!" These monsters make a long roar, which shatters the heavens and the earth and makes the evil wind roar. Suddenly, the two groups of people who are fighting face a change and feel the horror and rush in. "What is this?" "Where do monsters come from?" "Who are you!" …… Boom! This group of… Continue reading "Many people ate them!"

Categorized as 品茶

There are a lot of people in the eye, and there is no restriction on people who come to the exhibition. Therefore, it is also very important to prevent the ink from being taken away. Therefore, it is generally a nervous expression to see the young people in Linxian Building.

Some people also asked how to sell the ink. When they were told that the ink was not for sale, their faces were slightly disappointed, but they were relieved when they learned that there was a special sale of ink in Linxian Building, and went directly to Linxian Building. Cheng Shan walked in the crowd… Continue reading There are a lot of people in the eye, and there is no restriction on people who come to the exhibition. Therefore, it is also very important to prevent the ink from being taken away. Therefore, it is generally a nervous expression to see the young people in Linxian Building.

Categorized as 夜网

The high school at the junction of Qinghai Province and Sichuan Province happened to pass by him in a mysterious way. He saw that there were many ghosts wrapped around the blood fog, and the more familiar he became, the more he suddenly remembered it.

Xuan turned to gnash her teeth and took out a few pieces of jade cards, which were crushed in a flash and went into the distance. The Xuan Yuan God suddenly condensed his body back into a point and drew a line hundreds of feet long. After jin hong confronted him, he recovered. Previously, the… Continue reading The high school at the junction of Qinghai Province and Sichuan Province happened to pass by him in a mysterious way. He saw that there were many ghosts wrapped around the blood fog, and the more familiar he became, the more he suddenly remembered it.

Categorized as 夜网

"It can be recognized that the other party’s text has not yet been completely unified with all political entities in the text. To some extent, these political entities are still hostile to each other …" The speaker’s tone has now reached a new level. "I don’t think we can believe such a text until the other party has taken the initiative to explain their purpose and expressed enough sincerity."

"Believe in the law!" "But the consul bureaucratic team won’t! All they nee is an alliance for silicon-based organisms! Friends and comrades! One day, we must send enough people to the second earth to receive the scene. We want the government to see our strength and attitude! " "Yes, let them see it!" "Hostile acts… Continue reading "It can be recognized that the other party’s text has not yet been completely unified with all political entities in the text. To some extent, these political entities are still hostile to each other …" The speaker’s tone has now reached a new level. "I don’t think we can believe such a text until the other party has taken the initiative to explain their purpose and expressed enough sincerity."

In the morning, the Sui Jun camp in Weishui is foggy, as if it were in a fairyland. When you look at the tower, you can see a fog a mile away, but you can’t see it clearly.

Hou Jun, the big account of Zhongjun, took the Qinbing and handed it to Jinpa, muttering "What the hell is the weather!" He washed his face with cold water, and then he felt refreshed. He wiped his face clean and walked out of the tent, squinting and looking around. The soldiers were burying pots and… Continue reading In the morning, the Sui Jun camp in Weishui is foggy, as if it were in a fairyland. When you look at the tower, you can see a fog a mile away, but you can’t see it clearly.

Jin Yuzhu’s hand trembled with fear, and Hu Lu responded, "What’s the matter? Is the sword spirit not sleeping?"

Chu Chu "really don’t need it. Why don’t we talk for a while?" Jin Yuzhu wants to shrink her hand and let her continue to "ok, chat later." Jin Yuzhu is the most nervous. "What can I talk about or go to sleep?" Chu Chu: "Let’s talk about your family. I heard that your family… Continue reading Jin Yuzhu’s hand trembled with fear, and Hu Lu responded, "What’s the matter? Is the sword spirit not sleeping?"